To SavannahGB

by Mario

23 years ago

Are you going to have Jason and the Ghostbusters team up in other stories? If you do, can you have them get rid of the Scream killer, Candyman, Fred Krueger, Louis Tully, The Fisherman who knows what we did last summer, and especially Slimer, please?

by SavannahGB

23 years ago

Well thats always an option to be sure. I love Jason. In a way, im not sure how i'm gonna finish off this story. I suppose it would be good to do a Jas/Freddy/GB crossover before they release the Jason Vs Freddy movie after Jason X is released. Well you did give me some ideas. I'll get to work on it. Thanks for the ideas man!

by Mario

23 years ago

Did you know that Jason X will be released April 26, 2002. If you want me to email you pictures, email me at

by SavannahGB

23 years ago

you bet i do. Ive already got the day off from work to go see it! and sure i want pictures!