To the Guy who wants to know if we want a GB3

by gbcleveland.div

20 years, 3 months ago

I would love to see a GB3, however, only under the right circumstances. First of all, as good as the first two were, I think Dan and Harold would need a little assisting during the writing process. Recently, their material has seemed some what dated, Aykroyd more than Ramis (Christmas with the Kranks vs Analyze this and That) Need I say more. Also, if anyone knows what Aykroyd's original GB concept was, you would agree that Reitman made a good decision by bringing Ramis to help rewrite.
I have heard rumours about Aykroyd's ideas for a new GB, and to tell you the truth, I was dissapointed when I read that GB: Hell Bent trash. I think that it might be necessary to bring in new characters, but I strongly feel that all the originals need to be present, at least for a little bit. And that includes Bill Murray. And that is exactly why I feel that another GB will never be made. B/c anyone in their right mind knows that Bill Murray made those two movies.
While the concept for ghost catchers in modern day NYC, who act as firemen is a fucken sweet idea, along with the props and the screenplay, it wouldn't have that same deadpan sarcastic aura we all loved about the first two. And that has a lot to do with Murray's presence.
However, i think Ramis's writing played a major part in that theme as well. And with reitman being quoted at saying he will produce, but not direct, the obvious person for him to pass the torch to is Ramis.
Listen, I have loved GB since I was a little boy. GB2 was the first film I saw in theaters, I made a fucken proton pack, I've been a GB for halloween 4 consecutive times, and I made a documentary called the Passion of the Ghost, which is about my love for GB. I just don't want a shitty new wave GB movie to come out, not just cuz I'm a fan, but I don't want to be ashamed of my GB tattoo on my right deltoid.
Thanks for reading all of this, it must have taken a significant amount of discipline and endurance, but you're done now, SO PLEASE RESPOND FELLOW GB FANS! I love you all, we're hard core nerds, lets be proud!

by ntfx

20 years, 3 months ago
