To Three or not to Three


14 years, 6 months ago

Personally I'm split on the idea of another Ghostbusters film. On one hand I love Ghostbusters, I miss the characters and I would like to see them make one more film. On the other, I would be bitterly disappointed if the film turned out to be disappointing.

I have read every available detail about this film and judging by what I've read, I do not like the sound of it.

I hear it's supposedly a passing of the torch film whereby the Ghostbusters will employ a group of new people. I have various problems with this idea.

Firstly, it'll remove the spotlight from the characters that we know and love. After waiting so long for to see the Ghostbusters again I think that it would be a very poor decision to introduce a new team of Ghostbusters. I want to be reaquainted with the characters from the previous two films. I want to follow them and them alone on another journey. Those are the characters that I am interested in and care about.

Secondly, introducing a new team would potentially mean the addition of another four characters and I think that it would overcrowd the film. It would be in huge danger of becoming an overstuffed picture.

The third problem I have with the introduction of a new group is that it just doesn't strike me as at all original or interesting. Think about it. Ghostbusters search for new employees, find a particular bunch of people, teach them how to use the equipment etc etc. It's all very predicatable and formulaic. Besides, the jokes been done in the first film already. We've seen what it's like for a group of inexperienced oddballs to witness their first spook and to use theromnuclear accelerators for the first time. The joke's been done!

The fourth problem I have with the passing of the torch idea is that the reason behind it is obviously so that the studio can carry on making more and more Ghostbusters films in the future. In my opinion I think that Ghostbusters III should just star the originals and should be the last film in the series. I'd hate Ghostbusters to become a long string of films which become progressively worse and which bare little resemblance to the reasons why I loved Ghostbusters in the first place.

I think IF they must make Ghostbusters III it should be the final film. It should act as a swansong and it should be a well made film which ends the series on a high.

One other issue I have is that the writers. Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg the writers of the american version of “The Office” and “Year One” are apparently writing and judging by what they've worked on they don't seem to me to be particularly good. Why not just do what was done for the first film? Why not just bring Dan Ayckroyd and Harold Ramis together to write it?

Another issue I have is that I do not like the way that special effects are done in todays films. I just don't like the look of cgi. To me it just isn't as convincing as some of the methods of yesteryear such as the puppetry, matte paintings and animated effects. If I had my way I'd resort back to those effects because I think the film would not only look better but would make it feel more like a true Ghostbusters sequel. I can understand why cgi has killed off practical effects because cgi is so much quicker, easier and cheaper but the fact that its quicker, cheaper and easier has also meant that it has been overused in many films. Too many films are saturated by unecessary effects and I think that there is a definite danger that Ghostbusters III could have the same problem.

One more issue I have is the music. Music is incredibly important in film. Ghostbusters had an incredible score. It was just perfect. Who would create the score music for Ghostbusters III? There just isn't the talent that there once was. Most of the great film composers are sadly no longer with us. Sure there are a few talented individuals but the sad reality is that over the last twenty years of so score music has become awfully dull, uninspiring and instantly forgettable.

I think Ghostbusters III could be good but I think that the chances of it being disappointing are far greater. As I said at the beginning, I dearly love Ghostbusters but I'm not going to allow nostalgia go ahead of logic. Perhaps Ghostbusters should just be left alone.

by KildarbyBird

14 years, 6 months ago

Buddy they are much more talented people out there for that such as Tristan Jones.

I concur. I do like Dan's art, but I'd rather see an animated series a little more movie accurate and a little darker.