tobin's spirit guide art

by Trist

15 years, 4 months ago

Couldn't find an outlet for it. Originally it was supposed to be something for Cereal:Geek, but the editor and I had different ideas as to how it should be done and midway through we both picked up new paying gigs (I write for the Ninja Turtles comic books, James does a ton of awesome stuff – I think he was called over for the commentaries on the RGB set at the time). I've been slowly working on them since, but life being life, things got in the way and I had to focus on paying gigs.

That said, I've actually drawn up a shitload more of these, and there was talk a little while ago of making them an online feature at either or if we couldn't find some way of getting them out there physically. The original plan was to have say 5-10 appear in Cereal:Geek each time.

Haven't had a chance to work on them in a bit though, as I've been working on the Mirage TMNT comic sourcebook and a couple of graphic novels of my own. Interesting tidbit for anyone out there who cares – I was actually asked to pitch for IDW's Ghostbusters comics. The Displaced Aggression pitch was taking forever to get cleared by Sony, and they were worried it might not have gone through, so I was asked to put forward a story should it not work out. Displaced Aggression came through though, and I'm glad it did, because it's a great book so far!

by Kingpin

15 years, 4 months ago

Did your pitch go very far through the process before Displaced Aggression cleared? If you haven't submitted a script yet, I'd suggest you do so, it'd be nice to see your take on the Ghostbusters universe, and they seem to be floating from one writer to the next at the moment.

by Trist

15 years, 4 months ago

Did your pitch go very far through the process before Displaced Aggression cleared? If you haven't submitted a script yet, I'd suggest you do so, it'd be nice to see your take on the Ghostbusters universe, and they seem to be floating from one writer to the next at the moment.

It made it to Sony, but it made it there JUST as they approved Displaced Aggression. It was a timing thing. I was told the story was great, and Sony didn't say anything bad about it from what I was told, it's just that the timing of it all worked against it. Because it took them so long to get DA approved, this was brought in as an “in case of emergency” type thing, because it was getting closer and closer to the scheduled timing of IDW's release. So Sony approved DA pretty much at the last possible minute they could (from what I understand), and when my own pitch got there, DA had literally just been given the nod. Kinda like how a train might wait at the stop for longer than usual, and you run your ass off to make it before it leaves, but in spite of how long it's been sitting there, the door closes just as you get within feet of it. I heard there were to others waiting in the wings as well…

Looks like there might be another chance for me if this one sells well, and knowing that DA takes place AFTER GBII works in favor of what I had planned.

But we'll see, hopefully it works out! I'm enjoying DA quite a lot though. I really should scan in those TSG images I've done too. I put Tolay up on my deviantart and blog, so people can check that out, same with Slimer.

by LooZR

15 years, 4 months ago

wow, your artwork is impressive. very nice attention to detail. it would be pretty rad to see what else you can come up with and make a whole collection out of it. i'd buy it!!