Today's Actors and the Downward Spiral of the Film Industry.

by inebriantia

16 years, 11 months ago

You know I was watching Attack of the Show today, and on the bottom score ticker that shows news I saw something that makes me sad. So sad I felt like I needed to rant

They said that pics of a Lindsey Lohan sex tape has been leaked or something like that. Now I don't know how old this news is or not, but it was news to me.

You know I'm fearful really for the future of films and film making. The “older” generation of actors and actresses such as; Tom Hanks, Will Smith, Tom Cruise, Al Pacino, Nicole Kidman, Uma Thurman, John Travolta, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Sigourney Weaver, Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and ppl of this age bracket or generation for example are gonna quit eventually.

What is gonna happen when all the respectable ppl that has made so many movies that will stay with us forever are around anymore?

I mean the new generation of actors and actresses are quite pathetic so to say. I mean they're all out bar hopping, having sex tape scandals, getting arrested every other day. Pretty much being famous for doing absolutly nothing, and thier movies suck and it's really affecting Hollywood. I mean there have been some decently scripted movies, that shoulda been great movies, but bombed because of the acting. Even the ppl that aren't in the tabloids all the time in this age group still aren't great at acting. It seems like now days it's just what hot person is in this movie. People see these movies just to see how much skin is being shown.

I see this happening more and more and the next generation is loving it! I'm 24 and my brother is 18, now even though we are pretty close to age, I can tell a big difference in movies. He and his friends all go crazy to see the next American Pie spin off, or National Lampoon addition. These movies are just absolutly stupid, and more and more movies now just seem to be about some horny teenagers trying to get laid and how much stupid stuff they do along the way. I mean Feb. and Mar. have been horrible months for movie renting. Last month there was only about 5 maybe 6 movies that I rented out of the 10 that were any good out of the 30 that were released. March has been, still is, and gonna continue to be horrible. Aside from I Am Legend, there has only been 1 maybe 2 movies that have been good, not even great.

No wonder everyone is on a nostalgic trip. It's because the past few years films have been getting nothing but worse and worse, and I don't see it changing.. No respectable actors take newer gigs because they know the scripts suck. So now since no one wants to watch new stuff and would rather enjoy the older but great movies that they dont make as much money from anymore, they're gonna remake, or add to all the classics, and ruin all the remaining enjoyment we get from films.

Rather than remake everything, or just release tons of teen sex pilgramage films. They should come up with good ideas, good scripts, so that the great actors will come out of hiding. Hell even the great Spiderman are gonna fail. Tobey who I thought was great, showed real stupidness towards a subject that earned him stardom. He doesn't wanna do them anymore b/c he says that everything in the past 50 years of Spiderman has been told. He said that there wasn't anything left of the series to tell. So becuase he's dumb enough to turn his back on it, they're gonna get some retarded person to replace and it's just never gonna be the same.

Heck we talk about some of the actors I mentioned above as legends, or something as if they already dead. Why because we know the great age of movies is gone. With the technology we have now, imagine what we could really create. Maybe if we could get back the great actors for awhile, it would teach these youngsters to have more respect and to actually take acting lessons, and master thier craft, so when it is time for them to take over things don't get worse.