by Zech15

23 years, 2 months ago

Okay okay,

I'm confused now. What does GBI stand for? What are you refering to thats “top seceret” I don't understand.

-Zech Berrett

by Dr.Roberts

23 years, 2 months ago

GBI stands for “Ghostbusters International”, the franchise corporation under the auspices of Ghostbusters Inc.

Basically, it's what the original NY Ghostbusters turned the company into. Their national and international success demanded it. It's also how MTGB, BAGB, NOVA GB, JZGB, and the numerous other franchises have franchised.

Think of it like this…everytime you go into a “Subway” restaurant, that particular location is independantly owned and operated by local folks. But their location is a Subway franchise…the owner has paid the Subway home office big bucks and a seven percent franchise fee, to start a Subway restaurant in their area. In return, they get to use the “Subway” name and lease equipment, utilize recipes, etc.

As GBI franchises, we do the same thing. We pay a hefty fee up front to start the business, and a percentage of each month's profit goes to the GBI home office in NYC. In return, we get to use the GB logo and name, utilize patented GB technology, and have an exclusive territory in which to act as representitives of Ghostbusters International. Pretty cool huh?

As for the “Top Secret” GBI project, I haven't a clue man, sorry.

by Ghostbuster505

23 years, 1 month ago

We have a Franchise here too, but we're just a highschool student franchise, and I guess not official because between the 5 of us, we are all too poor to fork out money to be official. Proton packs, uniforms, ecto-1's, ect. seem to cost a little more for a student. I certainly hope it doesnt cost.


23 years, 1 month ago

Well it been almost one month since the Mr. Tully said somethign about this top secret project…well come on man out with it!

by Specter

23 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, spit it out. | wink

by Spooky

23 years, 1 month ago

Hey GB505 I have a higschool franchise. What you need to do is save up for uniforms and have GBI give you a “loan” om gb equip, or build a lower grade system first (thats what i did). Check out my site at its been untouched for a while to busy with the jobs and school to bother with it im working on working on it though. Just check out the equip page.

by LouisTully

23 years, 1 month ago

Sorry to keep everyone waiting, but it will be good I promise! The guys and I have all been very busy around here lately and haven't had must time to devote to the secret project I mentioned. Plus, I've been getting the GBI books ready, there's only 3 months until tax time!

Spooky- It has come to the attention of GBI that you are in violation of your franchise contract, which clearly states:
“USE OF PATENTS: Subject to good taste and legal requirements, FRANCHISEE, must use the name ”Ghostbusters“ and the Ghostbusters logo in franchise title, letterheads, advertisements (visual or aural), display advertisements, standard promotional items such as pencils, clocks, lighters, bumper stickers, and so on.”
Please see to it that this gets taken care of.

And in answer to the questions posed by some of you, Dr. Venkman and I haven't decided what it'll cost you yet.

by DanElektro

23 years, 1 month ago

That means I'm right–it's gonna cost a bundle!


23 years, 1 month ago

thats not good, i just nuked some of GBVA's funds on new injectors and a grey ribbon wire.