Ok, thats great you got the pictures up here fast, and the size is alright.
As im unfortunatly not a proud owner of anyof these things, im gunna have to do a small bit of guesswork.
You appear to have described the damge to the proton gun as worse than it accuatly is, form what i can see, only half of the nozzle is gone, you said the whole thing is missing, it will be much easier to rebuild knowing that you can see what the other side should look like as you have one side, (i hope both sides are the same!) But can you verify that i have got this right, and theres not even more missing from the end?
My thoughs are, worry about missing stickers later, their small things, (final touches) the pack straps and hose for the trap likewise, it should be easy to find a sutable replacement hose.
I would do things in the following order;
Attempting to rebuild the end of the proton gun, (i dont know how though
, i'll think about it for you but i dont think i could work out how to do it with owning one myself).
Reconnecting the proton gun to the pack and getting replacement straps.
Remove or keep the dinosaur sticker (it may be a nice childhood reminder)
Fixing the door on the ghost trap (maybe where the plastic hindge was you can replace it with a steel pin, its not lickly to break there again
Find pictures on the internet (for reference) of the trap foot pedal (or, the one from the movie!) And build one (from wood, insulation foam (i think thats the right stuff, the ridged kind that can be sculptured with a modeling knife, (dont worry, it dosent break easy) this should be a rather easy task if you make it from that) or metal or plastic if you are feeling ambitions! (personally, i would use the insulation foam)
Get a new hose for the trap (and your new custom foot pedal)(though it may be an idea to get this first so you can madel the joint on the footpedal on it (you dont have to, you could model the joint on the one on the trap))
Find a way to make a replacement antenna for the PKE (although, i doubt you would want to!)
Get some replacement straps for the pack (hey, you can sew, you could make then yourself, you'd have your own real cusom bustin kit then)
Sort out some stickers for any that are missing, maybe some one owns the toy on here (any of the toys, i dont know what stickers are missing) and they could scan the stickers in for you and you could print then on sticker paper. The stickers that are peeling could be stuck back on (come on, you could of done that already, you have glue!) I noticed the sticker on the ghostgraber IS peeling, so much for “no reason other than completeness”
If you want, stick the peeling stickers back on FIRST so they dont have any longer to come off completely!
Maybe some one else here will have an idea on the gun nozzle, i dont get on with fixing plastic.
If you want the goggles, they probally pop up on google if you wait long enough! Or theres always these;
http://cgi.ebay.com/GHOSTBUSTERS-Ecto-Goggles-goes-great-with-proton-pack_W0QQitemZ330102786668QQcategoryZ60361QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItemHope iv'e helped! (and not left anything out, you wait, i'll put something in my next post in this thread that i forgot to put in this one!)