
by toygeek

21 years, 9 months ago

Um…you, actually Doc. Right after the point is made that there isn't a figure license available to ANYONE…you make sure to point out that McFarlane's a Gb fan. What's the point?

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

I knew that! I was just telling Scoleri_guy.

Anyway, you're right, McFarlane wouldn't be the right Company to make them. I would however like to see Palisades take a shot at it. :s :d

by Johannes

21 years, 9 months ago

Well, for now, you can all just print out the pictures of the GBs, post them onto a thick paper or a thin cardboard, and make stand-up paper figures out of them! (No seriously, that's what I'm gonna do.)

by myersfarms

21 years, 9 months ago

I've already made some refrigirator magnets!!! My wife loves em. :d BTW, ToyGeek, who do you work for? I've been a Graffic Designer and Sculptor for some years and I'm trying to break into the toy industry. (BTW, I've been sculpting for over ten years, and have done hundreds of different projects). :s

by ScottyJ

21 years, 9 months ago

I dont know why anyone would really want Mcfarlene to do gb toys anyway, all his movie figures are just kind of cheap and the props arent well done considering the packs and traps and whatnot are some the most important parts of the whole gb and also his figures are solid there are no like cloths even on the larger figures. Wouldnt it be a lot better if they had actuall cloth flightsuits? i dont know just my thoughts.

by ScubaSteve

21 years, 9 months ago

Are you kidding? McFarlane makes some of the most highly detailed figures that I know of. Recently they made a toy of the T-800 endoskelton, one of the most amazingly detailed figures I've seen. The Evil Dead figures are spot on and the accessories they come with are acurate to a ‘T’. For goodness sakes Ash came with a Mini Ash with a removeable fork! A mini fork! The complaint about them breaking or being not “play-with-able” is nulled. McFarlane doesn't make (excluding the shrek toys) Action Figures… they make figurines basically. Most people don't collects McFarlane figures for the amazing arm shooting action™ They pose them on desks or their workstations and are a highly detailed replica of movie/artist/character.

McFarlane is also the most likely to put a Ghostbutsers character into production. They already have a Movie Maniacs category, for which they make figures for cult classics and popular films. This is the most logical place that a new figure would be made.

by Cliff-Roswell

21 years, 9 months ago

Steeeeevvveee….. You just don't listen, do you?

McFarlane is no longer doing movie toys, with the exception of the T3 toys!! No mo Freddy, Ghostface, Shaft, or Edward Scissorhands!! He's focusing more on the damn sports stuff!! Well, that and Spawn, but as far as I know, the Spawn lines have trickled to a halt.

Get off the fact that Todd the God is a GB fan and he'd be “perfect for the job.” He's not!! Palisades is!

McFarlane doesn't make action figures, he makes mini-statues with limited articulation! They come with all these cool kick-ass accessories that they CAN NOT hold or do anything with except look at them! They have ONE POSE!! The Mini-Ash cannot hold the fork! The Mini-Ash CANNOT HOLD THE FORK!!

Palisades, on the other hand, is more user-friendly: poseable figures, tons of accessories that the figures CAN use, and great playability.

PLEEZE, stop with the McFarlane crap!


by ScottyJ

21 years, 9 months ago

yea your right your absolutly right his figures are amazingly sculpted but his style doesnt really suit a gb in my opinion because i would rather see a GI JOE styled figure because the only pert that needs to be carefully sculpted (besides the props) are the faces whice is what is done, a basic figure with a highly detailed flight suit, pack, trap,PKE,ect. would be better than a figure that has too much work done on the sculpting and shape of the figure itself.

by Cliff-Roswell

21 years, 9 months ago

P.S.: I do apologize for my ranting. McFarlane does make great figures that nobody else makes, but they are poorly made. Poorly in the sense that they have a tendency to break easily, however well they are sculpted.


by PROTON786

21 years, 9 months ago

palisades will not be doing the gb toys, i have been in and out of there and when i talked to mike (president) and there is no way. OH yea and by the way the ghostbusters licence is still available, just not the likeness rights.