
by born2bustheads

21 years, 9 months ago is an orginization with 7491 users. why dont we all get togeather and make our own toys. we could make a of money. come on… i mean a lisence to do this stuff cant be too hard to get. or maybe it is. give me some feedback ladies and gentilemen

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 9 months ago is an orginization with 7491 users. why dont we all get togeather and make our own toys. we could make a of money. come on… i mean a lisence to do this stuff cant be too hard to get. or maybe it is. give me some feedback ladies and gentilemen

GBN is not an organization. We can't make toys. For one, without a liscense, it's copyright infringement. Two, a liscense is way out of our grasp, because face it, we're not a company, nor are we willing to pay thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars for a liscense to make them. And please, next time, run your post through a spellchecker.

by ScottyJ

21 years, 9 months ago

Why dont we all stop dreaming and being ignorent cause apparently there is no chance these toys are going to be made any time soon.

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 9 months ago

I agree, 88 MPH is a very small company and couldn't afford to purchase the liscense for toys.

by toygeek

21 years, 9 months ago

I agree, 88 MPH is a very small company and couldn't afford to purchase the liscense for toys.

HELLO?!?! Is this thing on?

Nobody said they couldn't afford it. Sony controls that aspect of things, and apprantly Sony hasn't opened it up yet. It's not a matter of “not being able to afford it”, so let's not make things up, okay?

by born2bustheads

21 years, 9 months ago

yo vinz clortho,

first who cares about spelling

second: licence? we dont need no stinking lisence! do you really think that everyone who makes a gb prop has a lisence?

third you know what i ment when i said orgaization

by rutherford

21 years, 8 months ago

I dont know anythign about licenses or copyright infringment, but when it comes to toys being made from the comic, im just being optomistic and hoping it will happen. afterall, there was a time when no one thought it was going to come, but now its here! Toys might be the same way. And I believe that in the original Its Coming news thread action figures were mentioned quite a bit as a possibility-so who knows? Im just gonna keep my fingers crossed :d

by Venkman582

21 years, 8 months ago

I read once in a transcript of of an old movie magazine article that when Harold and Dan first started working on Ghostbusters Dan mentioned that when he did the Blues Brothers he was not sure if he want to see his likeness on lunchboxs and stuff like that, once the GB 1 script started to improve he said that he would not mind if somebody what to do GB action figures.
Just thought you mite find this interesting.

by brorjace

21 years, 8 months ago

I think it'd be really cool even if they just did a small small lineup of like the GBs, Janine, the GB HQ, the Ecto 1, Slimer and a few other ghosts, but don't go to the extreme like they did with The Real Ghostbusters, just keep it a small toy line, nothing too exagurated.

But then again, this is just my opinion.

Thanks, bye

by Ectohead247

21 years, 8 months ago

Hey leave the RGB line alone. Those are some of the best toys ever created exagerated or not. Personally I would like to see a small line myself for the comic. Something like just the guys,ecto-1, and possibly a few ghosts like Slimer and zuul.This would be nice since the figures would only be basedoff of a comic book not a cartoon. Now if a cartoon was made or for some reason the company would want to take a chance and make a toy line for the comic in the shadow of the old kenner line I would love it. I would preach things like"Bring on the more mature and detailed granny gross or fearsome flush, or even that possessed construction worker, or better yet if at all possible new and creative, wacky ways of creating toys of the ghostbusters or their villians.