Toys available?

by brandy1126

14 years, 4 months ago

My almost three year old has become recently obsessed with Ghostbusters! His birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks and I'd love to get him some ghostbuster related stuff. Are there any toys available right now? I know I can probably find some online, but don't want to pay collector prices for old ones. He has rigged his elmo backpack and the top to his t-ball tee to make his own proton pack. Yes, he has quite an imagination! Do they sell these anywhere? I found a child sized costume online, but it looked like the proton pack that came with it would be about the same size as him.

by brandy1126

14 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, I searched on Amazon already. He's not really into the Stay Puft man and I don't want to spend $25-$40 on action figures for him. He would love the costume, but it's too big for him. I will probably order him the Ecto-1 Hot Wheels if I can't find it at our local toys r us. Thanks for you help though!

by jettajeffro

14 years, 4 months ago

If he was older I'd recommend the mini-mates.

And yes, the kids costume proton pack is the same size as the adult one. Here's some 5 year olds in them and the packs are still huge in comparison. If he's rigging up his on equipment though, it sounds like you've got a propbuilder in the making.

by mulder101361

14 years, 4 months ago

hey to the topic creator i would suggest just buying a lot of old kenner real ghostbusters figures off ebay. the prices are not bad at all for loose figures. most of us “older kids” are buying the mattel ones at this point so i think now would be a great time to pick some up.