Toys that you wished had come out

by Dr.D

18 years ago

Are there an toys that were planned but never came out that you would have bought? There was one playset in perticular, playmates had planned to make a playset of the Star Trek TOS bridge. Also, of course, the GB figures that NECA promised. What have you wanted?

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

NECA Ghostbusters

and the Ewok set that GL promised back in the 80s that never happened. God, I use to love the little Ewoks.

by Dr.D

18 years ago

Also, Egon's Lab. :-(

by fixer791

18 years ago

When I was a kid -I must've been eleven or something- I dreamed that I was in a large toystore that sold a RGB Statue of Liberty playset (based on GBII). I remember clearly that I picked the box up from the shelf with difficulty and that when I put it on the floor, it came up to my middle. That Lady Liberty was HUGE!
I sure was disappointed when I woke up…

Darn… What a cool playset THAT would've been…