Trade Paper Backs?

by Mr.Jacobs

21 years, 2 months ago

To be completly honest I'm Banned from my comic shop for about a year due to a fight I had in it. (Long story, but that guy was the most annoying bastard)

So I was wondering when a TBP would be realeased (not an ecaxt date just a period of time 3 months maybe?)

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 2 months ago

Well, the 4th issue comes out in May…so I'd assume sometime in June. But I'd ask Sabastien just to make sure. I wanna' know how you got banned from your shop though. :-O

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, I thought that only happened on The Simpsons.

by Mr.Jacobs

21 years, 2 months ago

Well this guy who I used to work with before I became a full time Karate teacher was in the shop and I had just picked up Batman 619 and some other TPBs when he started to bitch at me for making his life so much harder back in the kitchen (I used to be a cook) and stared railing into me. So I said some bad/naughty/evil/vile/disgusting/things you don't say in public (Not racial or homophobic though) and he just slugs me in the jaw. Now I don't take too kindly to getting a sucker punch to my pearly whites so I grabbed his arm when he went for another swing and got him into a shoulder lock. Then the manager broke us up and asked us to leave and not come back. Later I heard from a firend who works there (a former high school teacher of min actually) that it would only be from about 7-13 months at most.

And thanks for the info guys. (*peter)

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 2 months ago

You should've explained to the manager that you didn't start the fight.