Tradeing for RGB mini Ghosts

by rgbfan2

17 years, 4 months ago

I would like to make a trade for…

Super Fright Features Egons Gun

Power Pack Heros Janines Racin Wringer

Power Pack Winstons Splitting Ghost

and Janines Phone from the screaming heros

Willing to make ridiculas trades for them

Whole figures, Mini Proton packs (Purple or Blue) , an Ecto2 Ecto 500 even an Ecto 1 you'll have to have em all or 3 out of 4 for the vehicles but packs and whole figures are fair game I have Originals , Fright Features 3 Super Fright Features Egon Ray and Janine , if you want something you dont see ask I have power pack heros and I have slimed egon and ray I also have mad ghosts for trade Mini or ghosts like bad 2 da bone bug eye ghost slimer or h20 ghost … Please pm me with offers Im willing to take almost any trade for these 4 let me know whatcha got and ill work with ya… E–mail is also