Transformer is like a wave; it goes up, doooowwwwnnnnn, suddenly UP, and doooooowwn… and up.
Yes -> “and up”: it's a good movie.
A very good movie when you think about how to put this anime in the «world of flesh and blood». The story could have been anything. The team behind the movie did a good job.
At the beginning, when you hear that
sound, the transformation sound from the helicopter, your ears become deeper and your eyes bigger, preparing to catch all the action of what will follow. It's one of the only movie where you will love to use “slow motion”.
There's soo many elements happening during a transformation, your brain can't get all the informations that is on the screen. And there's many in the movie; it's frustrating because you wish to see everything slowly and you don't want the action to slow down.
But that's one of the negative sides of the movie.
The movie does not explode. It's more a big implosion.
Yes, of course, there's light, laser, missiles, fight, thrill, love, and some actors seems scared for real, but, each time, it's like a Ozzy Osbourne concert: the fun starts with «Bark at the moon» and then… they throw you «Mama, I'm coming home».
The action is always cut by long or slow “talking scenes”.
Some are necessary, others are not, and you almost feel lucky to have see the “helicopter” at the beginning; I was hoping that the movie won't end in a “see the sequel to know what will happen”.
When the tank enters the town, things became interesting, but the headache I received lowered my interest.
The fighting scenes are spectacular, you feel like a ANT in front of those heavy robots and you will use the “slow motion” on your dvd to catch all the FX. Some “urban structures” are surprisingly resistant under the weight of their actions, you wonder if it's not a mistake.
One scene gets through a building with a clear view of the people running for their life inside, makes you remember september11 against your will. It's a good but sad scene.
The background sound kills the movie, it even barely buries the transformation sound and the fun.
They should be a shame of that and of that “guitar” in the classroom scene, it would have been a good joke if the teacher didn't gave the “A” his student wanted.
During a moment, I stoped listening and I discovered something interesting for the GB fan: the “radio-robot” sounds like the trolls in that RGB episode where the bridge is condemned, and, for the SW fans now, when its head is kicked, it's again the same scream we hear since StarWars episode IV.
But like I said: it's a good movie.
I won't go see it again and I won't buy the dvd, maybe an action figure.
Go see it in theater, your kids will love it, while you'll wonder like me how nobody can't see those robots moving around them or on their neighbor's property… and, if you don't like car like me, you will like to look at them when out of the theater.
Megatron: “The humans don't deserve to live.”
Optimus Prime: “They have the right to decide for them selves.”
Megatron: “You fight for the weak; that is why you fail”
It's weird but, when Megatron said that, I had the feeling he had respect for Prime. Why your enemy would bother throwing that to you anyway?