transformers fans

by Cosmic-Riptide

17 years, 9 months ago

For those not in the know… New trailer today…


by sandmanfvr

17 years, 9 months ago

I got to watch the new trailer. I don't have a problem with the robot forms. We can't have the cartoons guys! Realistic and organic flowing designs are easier to do in cg and make it more real. I only have a problem with megatron. The close up of him face look good, but his body is weird. But maybe I will not care. Megatron is only “disappointment” and I holding my judgment till my ass in in the theater seat watching.


17 years, 9 months ago

The new trailer was awesome! You got to see quite a few glimpses of some of the Transformers even Megatron. It was cool to see Starscream's transformations, Optimus getting into a fighting stance looks bad ass, Megatron attacking Jazz in mid-air, and hearing the G1 transforming noise as Optimus Prime transformed was really cool. That trailer really got me pumped to see the movie.

I thought I'd share some pics if no one has seen these.

Spoiler Warning

Here are some better images of Megatron, Starscream, Blackout, Ironhide, and Jazz:






Here are some screenshots of the trailer:

Here are some new screenshot of the Transformers movie video game:

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years, 8 months ago

I just saw the movie a couple of hours ago.

The movie has jaw dropping effects and effects that you've never seen onscreen before (transformations at 80 mph) and the lead up to the robots is worth it.

Basically if you're judging the movie by the trailers and say you're protesting because Michale Bay did “Armageddon” and a bunch of crap, you got your head shoved way too far up your ass.


17 years, 8 months ago

I saw it twice now. It is extremely awesome! The special effects are amazing. Peter Cullen's voice over performance as Optimus Prime was perfect. The Transformers were brilliantly animated. There were so many action packed scenes and cool moments in the movie that it left me wanting more (definitely can't wait for the sequel).

*Spoiler Warning*

Optimus Prime was badass fighting Bonecrusher. Optimus punches Bonecrusher in the head so hard that he knocks out one of Bonecusher's optics/“eye ball.”

Watching Megatron and Optimus fight was pretty sweet. The dialogue exchanged between them while they fought resembled they're G1 characters pretty well.

Megatron: “The humans don't deserve to live.”

Optimus Prime: “They have the right to decide for them selves.”

Megatron: “You fight for the weak; that is why you fail”
It was also great to hear a couple classic lines from Optimus.

“On this day, One shall stand one shall fall”
“Freedom is the right of all sentient beings”
“Autobots, Roll out”

It was awesome seeing Optimus grab on to Megatron while he's in his alien jet mode and they both fly through a office building and seeing Megatron fire his fusion canon.
I really recommend this movie even if your not a Transformer fan or not. It is a great action packed movie with mind blowing effects. Giant robots transforming and kicking the sh*t out each other, sh*t blowing up everywhere, car chases(Bumblebee and Barricade), and bullets and missiles flying everywhere, and the transformation scenes where jaw-dropping, and you even here the G1 transforming noise in a couple of the transformations.
Two thumbs way up.

by matthew1

17 years, 8 months ago

I saw this movie yesterday. I didn't like it. The special effects in this movie are groundbreaking and second to none but other than that, well…it's…boring.

There movie is faaaar to long. It's around two hours and ten minutes. It should have been at least half and hour shorter. There's far too many unnecessary and stretched out scenes which made me want to glance down at my watch.

The musical score in this movie is probably the dullest, most boring score I've heard that I can remember. It does nothing for the movie.

Even the story isn't very good. Some of the animated episodes have a better story than this. The story revolved to heavily around Leboufs character and the stupid idea of the lost spectacles when it should have centred on the Transformers themselves.

All in all, its okay, but if you only watch one movie this summer go and see Die Hard 4.0.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 8 months ago

Transformer is like a wave; it goes up, doooowwwwnnnnn, suddenly UP, and doooooowwn… and up.

Yes -> “and up”: it's a good movie.

A very good movie when you think about how to put this anime in the «world of flesh and blood». The story could have been anything. The team behind the movie did a good job.

At the beginning, when you hear that sound, the transformation sound from the helicopter, your ears become deeper and your eyes bigger, preparing to catch all the action of what will follow. It's one of the only movie where you will love to use “slow motion”.
There's soo many elements happening during a transformation, your brain can't get all the informations that is on the screen. And there's many in the movie; it's frustrating because you wish to see everything slowly and you don't want the action to slow down.

But that's one of the negative sides of the movie.
The movie does not explode. It's more a big implosion.
Yes, of course, there's light, laser, missiles, fight, thrill, love, and some actors seems scared for real, but, each time, it's like a Ozzy Osbourne concert: the fun starts with «Bark at the moon» and then… they throw you «Mama, I'm coming home».
The action is always cut by long or slow “talking scenes”.
Some are necessary, others are not, and you almost feel lucky to have see the “helicopter” at the beginning; I was hoping that the movie won't end in a “see the sequel to know what will happen”.
When the tank enters the town, things became interesting, but the headache I received lowered my interest.

The fighting scenes are spectacular, you feel like a ANT in front of those heavy robots and you will use the “slow motion” on your dvd to catch all the FX. Some “urban structures” are surprisingly resistant under the weight of their actions, you wonder if it's not a mistake.
One scene gets through a building with a clear view of the people running for their life inside, makes you remember september11 against your will. It's a good but sad scene.

The background sound kills the movie, it even barely buries the transformation sound and the fun.
They should be a shame of that and of that “guitar” in the classroom scene, it would have been a good joke if the teacher didn't gave the “A” his student wanted.
During a moment, I stoped listening and I discovered something interesting for the GB fan: the “radio-robot” sounds like the trolls in that RGB episode where the bridge is condemned, and, for the SW fans now, when its head is kicked, it's again the same scream we hear since StarWars episode IV.

But like I said: it's a good movie.
I won't go see it again and I won't buy the dvd, maybe an action figure.
Go see it in theater, your kids will love it, while you'll wonder like me how nobody can't see those robots moving around them or on their neighbor's property… and, if you don't like car like me, you will like to look at them when out of the theater.

Megatron: “The humans don't deserve to live.”

Optimus Prime: “They have the right to decide for them selves.”

Megatron: “You fight for the weak; that is why you fail”

It's weird but, when Megatron said that, I had the feeling he had respect for Prime. Why your enemy would bother throwing that to you anyway?

by Bladex_2004

17 years, 8 months ago

Notice anything from these two game covers

kinda similar dont ya think

by newrecruit1

17 years, 8 months ago

Naaa, they're just robots made by their own company :p

by gbandrew1

17 years, 8 months ago

The only thing I didn't really care for was the horribly one sided Megatron vs Optimus fight. Megatron essentially dominated him, otherwise it was pretty good.