Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

How many have gone to see it yet?

I went to go see it with Lea (my Girlfriend) on her birthday (June 26th) and I must admit I was extremely hyped about it. I mean after Michael Bay surprised me with the first one (it wasn’t exactly my Transformers, but it was a decent movie) I couldn't wait to see what the mad bomber had come up with for the second one…

My disappointment in the second one can be summed up in 2 words: The Twins.

Mudflap and Skids…wft?

The movie started out good, but unfortunately in my opinion, it didn’t live up to the first one. It had so much potential with freakin Devastator AND the Fallen…but when both go down in the span of what seemed like 5 minutes (or less) from the point they appear there is something wrong there.

I dunno…maybe it was just me.

by thedavetini

15 years, 8 months ago

I think they tried to make it too much of a comedy, which didn't mix too well with the action. Like the first 3/4 of the movie were all just one liners from the cast.

by UltimateGBfan

15 years, 8 months ago

As a HUGE TF fan,I loved the movie and I'll just leave it at that.I won't get into all the fine details just to be told by someone who has just seen the movie and really knows nothing of the TF franchise that I'm wrong about facts and details on characters.

So yea I loved it,can't wait for part 3.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

Don't get me wrong, it was an ok movie and I cannot wait for 3 myself (I PRAY TO GOD they are not moving the story towards Unicron) I just wasn't as impressed with it as I was the first one.

After seeing that one, I immediately wanted to pull out the original Transformers the Movie (1986) and watch it (which Ironically has the for mentioned Unicron in it LOL)

I am a G1 and Beast Wars (though I was intially one of the “Trukk not Munkey” opinionites) man myself.

Have to admit though, was good seeing and hearing Soundwave again despite them not modulating his voice

by Cosmic-Riptide

15 years, 8 months ago

I thought it was boring… (*winston)

I enjoyed the first movie (for the most part), and was excited about seeing the second one… but it was just really dull to me.

It also seemed to have a lot continuity issues, but maybe I just missed a few things.

by JimCem99

15 years, 8 months ago

I liked it overall, thought it was good in some spots and other parts boring. And the Twins?!? All I have to say is Jar Jar Binks.

by slim

15 years, 8 months ago

Misa misa Mudflap and Skids!!1 HA-HA!!!!

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

I thought it was boring… (*winston)

I enjoyed the first movie (for the most part), and was excited about seeing the second one… but it was just really dull to me.

It also seemed to have a lot continuity issues, but maybe I just missed a few things.

oh no. It wasn't just you. As I pointed out to slim earlier this morning they made great pains to point out the fact that only a Prime can Kill a Prime, I think there was a line that blatantly stated that much, which was why the Fallen was worried about the existence of Optimus Prime as he was the only thing that stood in his way. Remember that. Only a Prime can Kill a Prime. Well it is revealed in the prequel comic (which is canon to the movies btw) and more or less hinted in the movie that Optimus is…imagine that…a Prime. But apparently Megatron, Grindor (Blackouts apparent clone) and more or less Starscream had no problems what so ever killing Optimus. Only Prime can Kill a Prime indeed.

Slim pointed out in that conversation that possibly more than one Transformer can kill a Prime…well…if that is the case then why was the Fallen ONLY worried about Optimus' existance and not the remainder of the Autobot faction if that was the case…not to mention for someone who supposedly has “infinite” durability and strength…he went down awfully fast with very little fight. That whole thing bothered me to all ends.

by wesyeed1

15 years, 8 months ago

I think it can be explained that Prime wasn't an original prime but a great descendant. In transformers lore or whatever its called, there's always a prime, not an original prime, but someone who possesses the same prime spirit. I guess in that sense, optimus inherited the prime's powers but isn't really an original. You have to use your imagination a lot with this film, which is suprisingly what most of the web has decided not to do… The backlash against this film is just kind of funny to me, but I guess it was inevitable considering the over-saturation of cgi fests we've been getting each year. We're simply getting bored with pure spectacle movies. We want more movies akin to the dark knight which really took me by surprise with how good it was. It's only problem being that it had batman' name on it…

Interesting time for cinema, very interesting…

Oh and needless to say, I loved this movie. It's live action anime. One minute with that stuff will make this movie seem like arthouse cinema, trust me.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

I am sure there was an in universe explaination for my previous mentioned gripe. Before I even left the theater I had already come to my own conclusion on the subject…not too far off base from your given explaination. It’s just that such a simple plot oversight could have easily been explained with a single sentence.

I dunno, I am weird like that. Sometimes plot oversights bug me to all ends. I just get really annoyed sometimes when writers place things in their stories with no rhyme, reason, justification or previous establishment and let the next group of writers “figure it out”.