Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

by thedavetini

15 years, 8 months ago

If you try to explain why everything happened in that film, then you'll go crazy. No matter how you try to justify Prime not dying by a prime, you'll come out short. His arch Rival is Megatron, if only a prime can kill a prime there goes that rivalry. And if you use the reason that he is a decendant of prime not a real prime, then the Fallen wouldn't be scared. Then again, no one went to go see the movie for the writing, they went to see robots fight.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

LOL. This reminds me of the time that I tried to figure out Megatrons convoluted and contradictory origins in G1

by thedavetini

15 years, 8 months ago

lol yeah, we might as well as try to figure out how to explain some loose ends in X-men 3 while we're at it.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

I try not to acknowledge that the 3rd X-men movie even exists.

by newrecruit1

15 years, 8 months ago

Ok, I had nothing interesting today so I visited the theater. Ohhh they've made a very good effort in this second film; in opposition with the first one, there's a lot of action in it. But it didn't contain the effect it could have made.

I didn't like the first movie becose of that dog who peed on the robot, who peed after on the man, who then was half naked with a superman logo, after finding these robots who were successful at hiding in a residential area despite their size, noises, and unbelievable presence; I bet everyone lost conciousness in the neighborhood.

This second movie just beat the records. I had the impression that I was watching “The Osbournes” during a moment; family fighting, dog on dog, robot on girl, three butt scenes and one robot with testicles.

Megan Fox seems to be in a “lips contest” against Angelina Jolie in this movie, it's like she can't close them; they probably saw this and made her put one hand on her mouth after soo many close-up on her face (in the scene where they hide in a house from the decepticon).

Lots of sexy scenes (too much?), you know how much I like women, but was it necessary to have Megan's ass directly at the beginning of the movie? It's like they put her on this angle to scream “Wait! Don't leave your seat! The action is coming! Wait! Wait!”

And what about that “female” robot? How this fantasy didn't came to my mind? A transformer capable of taking a human form! Did they stole the “x” rated adaptation concept? She also had some weird “add-on”; at first it was strange but everything became clear: it's Japanese influence; that “tentacle” coming from under her skirt, we see this everywhere today… but when I saw that tongue, my blood ran cold “Am I watching the Exorcism or what!” What did they had in mind? At least Bumblebee give her an hard time. Naa, the scene was weirdly funny. Why the robot took back its female form to go after them in the parking, after such a complexe transformation, will stay a mystery… naaa, it's probably “Y” chromosomes who wrote/directed the movie, and a new actor needs to be studied.

How bout that blackbird, not only the robot is old, but they gave him a CANE! Was it realy necessary? Even a beard! From that moment, we understand that the loud music in the background was made to make a boring scene interesting.

The twins, now, that was weird, was it for the kids? Are they supposed to have any charisma? Becose we see them during the whole movie and they even beat the “giant” (sorry, I don't know the name)! I bet it's becose they were the icecream truck…

That giant robot made of multiple vehicles made me wake up, I was hoping to see it and I was served. But instead of standing strong he was leaning forward, not because he's too heavy for himself but because they turned him into a vacuum cleaner! What could have been the biggest attraction turned into a cleaning tool… with testicles! Or was it a part from a structure holding to him?

Optimus Prime also surprised me… they killed him ! Now that turned things interesting. I must admit, this movie had this positive point: we don't need to wait for the sequel to see how the fight will end.

But the soldiers are ridiculous; after what the army received in the first film, they let them walk directly in front of the enemy. Are they crazy? “Careful, he's just in front” Careful? He got a good sense of humor. It's a decepticon, you fool!

Despite everything, this movie is good, better than the first one; I stayed awake! Ok, I almost fell asleep, probably because there's a lot of old recipe in it; I even laughed when Fox cryed over Laboeuf's dead body , but it's a movie I can buy… and I will do my own montage like I did with the first film.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

And what about that “female” robot? How this fantasy didn't came to my mind? A transformer capable of taking a human form!

I really do not believe that the Pretender concept was treated very well in that movie…but it might just be me. A little useless trivia; The female alt form that the Pretender obtained was from an animatronic “Alice” figure from an “Alice in Wonderland” diarama. Unfortuantely the scene was cut out, but it remained in the novelization. An additional oddity is that the scene that follows after this revelation still remained.

The twins, now, that was weird, was it for the kids? Are they supposed to have any charisma? Becose we see them during the whole movie and they even beat the “giant” (sorry, I don't know the name)!

Devastator…Don't get me started on him.

because he's too heavy for himself but because they turned him into a vacuum cleaner!

Actually, that was why they had him move on all fours. I remember seeing an interview somewhere with Michael Bay talking about Devastator saying something that big would logically no be able to hold it's own weight up or something along those lines.

Optimus Prime also surprised me… they killed him !

To paraphrase Megatron…Primes have a penchant for that.

by JokerSmells

15 years, 8 months ago

I really liked the first movie but this was INFERIOR to the original! almost suffers from “Matrix Reloaded” syndrome.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

Didn't go quite as far as Matrix Reloaded…after all…like NewRecruit said, atleast we didn't have to wait till the next movie to see how things ended.

by UltimateGBfan

15 years, 8 months ago

James,you said that the Defiance,Alliance,and the movie prequel comics were canon to the movies,you're wrong.

Bay does not acknowledge the comics,any coincidence between the two is merely that.Case in point is Barricade,it was said in the comics that he survived the first movie,but Bay himself was cited in an interview that he had no intentions of bringing him back,so to Bay,Barricade is dead.

As far as Devs go,I do believe that it was explained in a new book that was just released last month,that just like in G1,Devs was the first Gestalt(Combiner) team,the technology was not perfected and as a result the individual components have lost their individual robot modes and consciousness,they are now just simply Devastator.The Autobots took their data and not only perfected it,but have put it use in the wars,IE: The Twins,Arcee Triplets.Though the book does go onto hint at the fact that there are other Autobot combiners (Possibly Superion,Computron, or Defensor) and that the Autobots were able to keep each member of the teams from degrading into a monster like Devastator.

I only briefly read some of the book while I was at Books-a-Million the other day,I'm gonna try to go tomorrow and pick the book up,I'm a HUGE TF fan,and this is a must have for me.The book has technical data on all of the TFs,a must have for any TF fan I would think.

by newrecruit1

15 years, 8 months ago

I really do not believe that the Pretender concept was treated very well in that movie

yes, you're right… they could have picked a better looking girl :p

Devastator…Don't get me started on him

But go ahead

I remember seeing an interview somewhere with Michael Bay (…) saying something that big would logically no be able to hold it's own weight

Aliens, they are aLiEns! Human's logic isn't supposed to be apply to Aliens! Look what it did to this worshiping robot on Fox's leg! (I want to see the deleted scenes (*peter) )