Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

by newrecruit1

15 years, 8 months ago

I bet there is vibration and gyration involved.

Yes, he definitly must not miss the spot :-)

by thedavetini

15 years, 8 months ago

Even better buddy, Bumble bee says a swear word

by UltimateGBfan

15 years, 8 months ago

I don't remember the name of the book off hand.As far as Hasbro stating the comics are canon,they can't even use Google right,they'd a toy after a vibrator.

by thedavetini

15 years, 8 months ago

Well seeing how Hasbro actually owns transformers, yes they can say whats canon or not canon.

As for Bay saying whats canon or not, he got paid to direct a Transformers movie, if Hasbro said put the vibrator that hasbro did something to(I don't know what you were saying at all) he would have to direct that vibrator on how to do the macarana.

by UltimateGBfan

15 years, 8 months ago

Just realized that i left a word out in my last post,they wound up naming a toy after a vibrator called Nexus Maximus.This has caused a lot of shit between Hasbro and parents.

Hasbro has nothing to do with canonical things in the TF universe really,if any toy company did it would be Takara since they actually own the Transformers property,Hasbro only distributes them State side.But as far as cartoons and comics go,there is no real canon per say,most consider the original G1 stuff the main canon,and everything else(besides Beast Wars and Beast Machines,since they happen after G1) as an alternate reality or universe.

When it comes to something like the movie,Hasbro gives Bay and Co ideas for characters,Bay then takes those ideas and revises them,uses who he wants,changes some to other characters or in the case of The Twins,Blackout,and Barricade,he creates his own.Hasbro has no effect in Bay's canonical decision making.

Then comes the comics,Hasbro then consults IDW and Titan Books on what Bay has done,they then take Bay's vision and take it one step further,expanding back into the history of the Movie-verse Cybertron,or actually going into the gap between movies with Reign of Starscream.They say it's canon and want it to be canon,but it's all up to Bay as to what he would consider canon,take Starscream's markings in ROTF,Starscream received them in Alliance,which takes place a few months before ROTF,Bay liked the idea of Starscream having some alien markings and he put them in there,so that was his way of making Starscream's markings canon,but other things have not been made canon.

When it comes to the new Movie-verse,Bay actually holds the cards at this point,all the comics are just filler stuff until that day when the final movie is done and then IDW and Titan Books has the say so in what's canon.

That's what I was trying to get at.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

I understood your point. Most people I have talked to over the years have taken the “If it was released by a Transformers licensor with Hasbro approval, then it is canon unless retconned later or straightout said by the licensor or Hasbro to not be canon” approach to Transformers Canon…and I was taking the same approach to the movie universe.

Additionally with the exception of “Ghost of Yesterday” or whatever that one prequel comic for the first movie was called, the prequel / sequel (midquel) comics have been really well made (from what I have read…still trying to get all of the ROTF prequel comics) and more or less (with relatively few exceptions) fit in very nicely with the movies.


by UltimateGBfan

15 years, 8 months ago

Yea I haven't read Ghosts of Yesterday or the ROTF Prequel book yet,I'm probably gonna pick up the ROTF Prequel book and the ROTF book today and read those,I'm trying to get my hands on Ghosts of Yesterday so I can read that as well.

James,I sent you a PM man.

by slimer3881

15 years, 8 months ago

i saw the movie last week, its all a blur to me. Not cause i was intoxicated or anything, but because the movie was so dull. Im not a big transformers fan, though im fond of the 86 animated film and the first live action film.

But from the second movie, all i remember is an hour of people walking and running around with two annoying big metal things following them cracking hip-hop themed jokes “oh shit dawg”, lots of sandy explosions, and people constantly running from big metal things, oh, and pyramids, and John Tuturo's underwear. thats all the movie really was.

first half was chock full of pot and college jokes..

by UltimateGBfan

15 years, 7 months ago

Ok James finally picked that book up,the one you have is it called Transformers the Movie Universe?

I found it at Books-a-Million,I also picked up the novel of ROTF,next on my list is tracking down The Veiled Threat novel and the Ghosts of Yesterday novel.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

Ok James finally picked that book up,the one you have is it called Transformers the Movie Universe?

Yep, it is.

I like it..though it does have some inaccuracies (like claiming Megatron in RotF was a Triple-Changer able to change between his tank and older jet mode).