transformers....that new series

by vgirl

23 years, 3 months ago

Well, transformers is back, if you care to watch a cartoon comeback so poorly animated and written that it looks like a pukemon sendoff. And I thought beast wars was bad…….whew!!!
Bring back the original, please! Or get better writers and a storyline, even the lamest eps. of TMNT was better. It's just not the same, you know, it's not even better. If you're gonna bring something back, don't embarrass the fans to death, please!!!

by Eduardo

23 years, 3 months ago



by Ross

23 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, personally I don't even care about the transformations, every robot ends up looking the same… And every anime show now uses the plotline of ‘fight when the two sparring are equal, one powers up and beats the crap out of the other’.

But my ultimate problem, what the heck is with that flying robot shark? What genius thought that kids would find that ‘cool’?

by canadianGB

23 years, 3 months ago

besides being a GB fan I'm a big transformer fan and that show is a disgrace! I heard once that the most popular episodes of beast wars were the ones that dealed with the classic stuff.
I'm damn sure the market is there now why don't they bring back the old transformers.They just don't clue in do they.