Troublesome member

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 5 months ago

Dr.Venkman has been rude and insulting numerous times in thsi one thread. he refuses to calm down, he refuses to stop. He's insulted D_Osbron's state and mother, among others.

He needs to be handled before he can make other member's stay unpleasant.

He's also refused to post properly, instead he resorts to childish name calling and arguing.

Thank You.


21 years, 5 months ago

too much to clean , it's gone now .

by DekeDeSilva

21 years, 5 months ago

so people can't insult a person on this messageboard?

by ajquick1

21 years, 5 months ago

too much to clean , it's gone now .

That was nice of you. He was reporting the member, not the post.

by TheGreatHambino

21 years, 5 months ago

woah i am already a troublsome member how did i pull that off?

by MasterSpider

21 years, 5 months ago

Well, 83 posts your first day here is already a bad sign. And the way that you're typing is like a 7 year old hyper kid trying to tell you something after he just had a 2 liter bottle of Pepsi, I'd say you're not makin' any friends…

by TheGreatHambino

21 years, 5 months ago

i dont understand whats so bad about alot of post in my first day. what can i say i just like to talk alot and i am trying to make friends. and as for a 7 year old kid i dont really see where that comes from but hey each person has their opinion and who am i to say that it is wrong. but i jsut dont understand why every one has to dwell on the large amount of posts that i have done. i am originally a chat room user this is my first messege board i cant help the fact that i like to talk. not here to cause trouble just here to have a good time is there anything wrong in that?

by MasterSpider

21 years, 5 months ago

Hey, I never accused you of causing trouble, I simply stated things that might make others think that…


21 years, 5 months ago

aj , after the first 4 posts in that thread the whole thing pretty much turned into offensive stuff , so instead of deleting 6 pages of people yelling back and fourth at each other i deleted the whole thing , which was way off topic by the last page and had a talk with dr. venkman

by DocRyedale

21 years, 5 months ago