Trying to figure out name of this old 90s tv show...

by stanzOrama

17 years ago

It was a power rangers knock off of the mid 90s on USA and I think there was 5 teenagers and they'd morph but i dont remember any zords of any kind…I think each member would grow? I don't think it lasted very long on tv. But I can't remember the name of it…if anyone remembers? please help me out…

by Kingpin

17 years ago

V.R. Rangers?
Big Bad Beetleborgs?

Anything else you may remember will help narrow it down.

by stanzOrama

17 years ago

i dont believe it was v.r. rangers.
this show was a complete knock off of p.r. cuz there were 5 kids in high school who were able to morph into rangers, but they didn't have zords, nor were they affiliated with fox's brand of shuki levy p.r.'s. I just remember them being on USA and on in the mid 90s. I think the leader was the dorky one, and the pink or yellow one was hott. but thats all i remember.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

V.R. Rangers?

It's actually V.R. Troopers. None of them are rip offs of Power Rangers though. They were both adapted from Japanese Shows, which have it's own series. Big Bad Beetle Borgs was Beetle Fighter in Japan, while V.R. Troopers was a combination of footage from different Metal Hero series. Plus they were both written and adapted by Saban Entertainment.

Yeah, I'm a bit of a nerd in this lol.

The only other series I can think of this.

Which wasn't even a series, and wasn't even released over here. It's an obvious knock-off of Sentai/Power Rangers. What about Mystic Knights?

by DocFritz

17 years ago

Oh dear Zordon…

I wonder if he really means this:

Which really was a Power Ranger rip-off with public access-grade production values. The horror for making me remember this…

by JamesCGamora

17 years ago

Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad Is what comes to mind for me.

I found that to be particularly low grade and a Power Rangers Rip-off. Though I must admit. Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad did keep more plot points from its source Material (Denkou Choujin Gridman) than say Power Rangers (or so I have heard since I haven't seen any of the original Power Rangers Source Material for myself)

Ok. Now I am going to have to kill stanzOrama for making me get that damned theme song from Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad stuck in my head.

Well like my dad would say…atleast there is something in there.

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

Power Rangers kept the basic elements of Sentai. I have seen the whole series of which Power Rangers was based on (Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger), I can see a lot of the plot elments they borrowed from it. The Green Ranger losing his power, in Zyuranger the Green Ranger (Dragon Ranger) dies. His power loss represented with a green candle in PR, Zyuranger, same thing expect it represented his life force.

The only one I can think of is Masked Rider. BUT, the creator of the original show (Kamen Rider) was the same person who created Sentai, which is what Power Rangers is based on. You can hardly rip-off your own creation now can you? :p

by Kingpin

17 years ago

That and, as far as I'm aware only one person transformed in Masked Rider.

Doubtful it's Animorphs* either.

* = Random Trivia, Animorphs was one of Sean Ashmore (Bobby Drake in the X-Men films first notable appearances.

by stanzOrama

17 years ago

Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad Is what comes to mind for me.

I found that to be particularly low grade and a Power Rangers Rip-off. Though I must admit. Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad did keep more plot points from its source Material (Denkou Choujin Gridman) than say Power Rangers (or so I have heard since I haven't seen any of the original Power Rangers Source Material for myself)

Ok. Now I am going to have to kill stanzOrama for making me get that damned theme song from Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad stuck in my head.
so im to die when hear ye hear ye this was the show I was thinking of, just couldn't remember till I googled it. Now to find eps on a bootlegged dvd? Any takers on that one?

by ghostbusters2131

17 years ago

Peter Venkmen
The only other series I can think of this.