Trying to remember an old cartoon...

by inebriantia

17 years ago

Does anyone remember this old cartoon, I don't know the name of it though. It was based off of King Arthur, and all the knights had like these special powers. Arthur had some kinda gold dragon that came out of his shield. If anyone remembers the name let me know, I used to like that cartoon growing up, it was kinda cool.

by Kingpin

17 years ago

It might be two things:

1)King Arthur and the Knights of Justice - The New York Knights football team is drawn back to Medival times by Merlin to battle Morgan le Fey who has trapped King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

I think this is the one you're after, as Wikipedia mentions ‘Arthur King’s' sheild as being emblazoned with a dragon design.

2)Visionairies - An advanced civilisation is plunged back to the dark ages when the age of technology ends and the age of magic begins, leading to a group of good guys becoming the Spectral Knights who combat the evil Darkling Lords. Each character has a ‘Totem’ which allows them to draw forth a mystic character to fight on their behalf or has the ability to empower an otherwise useless vehicle.

I hope that helps.

by JamesCGamora

17 years ago

I kind of remember that series….I seem to remember it being King Arthur and the Knights of Justice

by inebriantia

17 years ago

King Arthur and the Knights of Justice is it! Thanks a whole lot, after looking up the name you gave me I remembered perfectly. I used to love that show and the intro rocked! I loved it when Arthur and his knights transformed and went out to kick Lord Viper's butt.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 12 months ago

I'm also searching for an ol cartoon these days. Each episodes last like 5 minutes (I think), there's only two characters in it: a rainbow colored weird rabbit and a big dude with a evil look and black mustache, his clothes have black and white stripes. The characters don't speak. The scenario is always the same: the guy has an idea, the rabbit warns him and laugh. It's the funniest laugh you can imagine. The guy ignore the rabbit, bad things happen to him, he's mad, the rabbit laugh to dead and the guy try to catch him. I'm not sure but I think they laugh together at the end.

It was a funny serie.

by Kingpin

16 years, 12 months ago

Sounds kinda… repetitive…

by newrecruit1

16 years, 12 months ago

But entertaining :-)

by Frosty

16 years, 11 months ago

Visionairies - An advanced civilisation is plunged back to the dark ages when the age of technology ends and the age of magic begins, leading to a group of good guys becoming the Spectral Knights who combat the evil Darkling Lords. Each character has a ‘Totem’ which allows them to draw forth a mystic character to fight on their behalf or has the ability to empower an otherwise useless vehicle.

Damn, that sounds pretty awesome! I'll have to try to find some episodes of that.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 11 months ago

by newrecruit1

16 years, 9 months ago

Damn life is surprising!

Today I saw at WallMart “The Linea” on dvd! One amusing cartoon of my childhood. It have 50 episodes on two disc. I'm planning to buy it. I never knew the original name of that cartoon before and I was happy to find it on youtube… ahh memories……. I fell off my chair when an image appeared in the video library… IT'S HIM! I can't believe it! AH!AH! Talk about an answer to what you wish to know! That cartoon is called “Stripy”! I got the link for you and I hope you will have a good time!

I realy needed to laugh! Ah! Ah! I even changed my avatar! can't believe it :-) :-) :-)