TWO new GhosBusters games in development.

by Bladex_2004

18 years, 6 months ago

Are there any codes for it.

I tried the codes for the original game and it didnt work

Or maybe i put it in wrong

Do you put the name in then space then the account number, or do you just put the account number in?

Or are the codes redone since its a remake of the game

by PeterVenkmen

18 years, 6 months ago

Codes? Cheat codes? They remade the game, but I dobut they'd remake cheats lol.

The theme you used bothered me lol. The title song for GB, I was able to change it the originally theme though. Hope ya don't mind, it's just me.

by Bladex_2004

18 years, 6 months ago

How do you change the song in the game

by PeterVenkmen

18 years, 6 months ago

Do you have an mp3 version of the Ghostbusters theme? If you do, change the name of the file to “gbtitle” and paste it in the Ghostbusters folder. It'll ask you if you want to replace the current file, click yes. When you start the game, it should use your song now.

by 9sam11

18 years, 6 months ago

i got to gozer, and all i hear was “are you a god” then it said game over lol, was i supposed to say yes

by smila

18 years, 6 months ago

you probably got shot by the energy orbs that fire from the top of the doorway , when you get there again make sure you dont let them get too big on screen by shooting them or you'll die.

account numbers are new and only work for your version - basically when you get to zuul and complete the game it'll save the game and give you an account num to use on your next go.

by 9sam11

18 years, 6 months ago

the end is soooo hard, you should allow people to save near the end so they dont gotta play it from begining everytime just to kill gozer

by xander

18 years, 6 months ago

i got to gozer, and all i hear was “are you a god” then it said game over lol, was i supposed to say yes

9sam1, when someone asks you if you’re a god you say, YES!!!

by smila

18 years, 6 months ago

the end is soooo hard, you should allow people to save near the end so they dont gotta play it from begining everytime just to kill gozer

naa its not - just make sure you keep shooting in the direction of the top of the door every second or so - spray the beems about - its takes longer but you'll do it every time

by slimer3881

18 years, 6 months ago

whats a good tip to get passed Stay Puft?