TWO new GhosBusters games in development.

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

That's a great preview film there, Eck. I'd have pledged any help I could give you with the Van Horne station graphics sooner… but it seems you were able put together a decent representation without me. :p

by slimer3881

18 years, 1 month ago

awesome, when do you think we'll see the finished product?

by slimer3881

17 years, 12 months ago

this on hiatus, aswell?

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 12 months ago

Sill in development. They're also working on Robocop 2D 3.

by slimer3881

17 years, 12 months ago


by Ectofiend

17 years, 11 months ago


by Eck

17 years, 11 months ago

Van Horne level is about 50% complete (Larger image at website) with it
and completed Museum & Titles now running on Mac(Intel), Linux & XP.

by Kingpin

17 years, 11 months ago

Firstly, if you'd be interested… I mocked this up a few years ago and had it lying around: *

* (Not trying to budge my way in on the project.)

If you're interested, I can send you a PSD file of it.

And on a secondary note, I've seen someone on eBay using your graphics in a likely attempt to sell a copy of your adaption of GB that they don't have… I don't have the name to mind, but it might be worth watching over eBay UK where I saw the listing.

by Eck

17 years, 11 months ago

Nice rust/water drips on the logo, but graphics for Van Horne level are complete and we are concentrating on the programming for Van Horne.

What we really need is a walking Statue of Liberity for the Broadway level.

Checked ebay uk but never found anything.

by Ectofiend

17 years, 10 months ago
