TWO new GhosBusters games in development.

by Kingpin

18 years ago

Nice rust/water drips on the logo, but graphics for Van Horne level are complete and we are concentrating on the programming for Van Horne.

What we really need is a walking Statue of Liberity for the Broadway level.

Checked ebay uk but never found anything.

I expected you likely wouldn't find anything, I've only ever seen it on two separate occasions myself, but as I check eBay UK regularly I'll post any intel if and when I chance across the auction again.

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years ago

Nice rust/water drips on the logo, but graphics for Van Horne level are complete and we are concentrating on the programming for Van Horne.

What we really need is a walking Statue of Liberity for the Broadway level.

Checked ebay uk but never found anything.

I expected you likely wouldn't find anything, I've only ever seen it on two separate occasions myself, but as I check eBay UK regularly I'll post any intel if and when I chance across the auction again.

i dont understand you are looking for a toy of a walking statue of liberty or what?


by Kingpin

18 years ago

Erm, he's talking about game sprite graphics for a walking Statue of Liberty.

by slimer3881

18 years ago

just rip it from the C64 or Amiga (ones with best graphics ) versions and then edit it to modernise it a little.

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years ago

Erm, he's talking about game sprite graphics for a walking Statue of Liberty.

then why did ebay come up?


by fome

18 years ago

Crossing the Streams
then why did ebay come up?


And on a secondary note, I've seen someone on eBay using your graphics in a likely attempt to sell a copy of your adaption of GB that they don't have… I don't have the name to mind, but it might be worth watching over eBay UK where I saw the listing.

Checked ebay uk but never found anything.

eBay gets you confused uh? still looking for something to bid after losing those cool Proton Packs from way back lol


by CrossingtheStreams

18 years ago

Crossing the Streams
then why did ebay come up?


And on a secondary note, I've seen someone on eBay using your graphics in a likely attempt to sell a copy of your adaption of GB that they don't have… I don't have the name to mind, but it might be worth watching over eBay UK where I saw the listing.

Checked ebay uk but never found anything.

eBay gets you confused uh? still looking for something to bid after losing those cool Proton Packs from way back lol



youre in luck fome!

i put more money in my debit card

haha :-)

by justinmarkus

18 years ago

i gotta get my girlfriend one of those babys right there!!!

by Kingpin

18 years ago

You just had to post the link to that, didn't you? (*janine)