Two pack questions

by Ecto-Jedi

23 years ago

I was ready to go few days ago to go buy my foam board for the spacer then it dawned on me. How thick should the spacer be? It looks fairly thick from photos…

Secondly, another thing dawned on me, Lowes' didn't have foam board! Thats the nearest hardware store here too. Any one have any spacer subsitiutes other than wood? wood would be heavy that thick methinks…

by ecto-3

23 years ago

Wood really isnt that heavy depending on how thick it is. If you're building your spacer from Lauan plywood and thin glue-on board then its going to be extremely light, If you built it from oak board then it will be heavy. Wood is just more sturdy and really good to use for the bigger parts. If you want to know how thick the spacer is then please refer to your plans for exact details, it should specify smile

by Ghostbuster505

23 years ago

I used two 12“ circles of floral styrofoam that I found in the flower and crafts section of wal-mart. I glued one on top of the other (they are 1” thick so combined they made 2“), and then got two more of the same foam, only in a rectangle shape and cut them to make the upper ”arm“ part of the spacer. Then Buy 1, or 2, just to be safe or depending on the size, of the plastic ”for sale“ or ”no trespassing“ signs. I got mine at wal-mart, but I've noticed them at dollar stores too. Cut it to fit over, and glue it on. Be careful and use super or craft glue, hot glue will melt your foam, and if you dont use the sign or something to cover the foam, spray paint will eat it away. the glue I used was called ”allenes craft glue" its really good and they had it at wal-mart too. just cut the foam with a sharp knife, it works just fine. Good luck, I hope I helped. smile

by Ectoman

23 years ago

It should be 2.75" tall.