Undertaker's 15 win footage on smackdown... what the?!

by newrecruit1

17 years, 11 months ago

Did you see smackdown yesterday?
Did you record undertaker's clip about his 15 wins?
If yes then maybe you'll be able to answer that question:

“What's that mouth we barely see just before undertaker's creepy face?”

The clip last around 2 minutes.
At 1 minutes 50, pause the footage and advance slowly, step by step.

Don't go fast or you'll miss it.

Between two scenes, suddenly a (woman?) face appears.
We can only see her mouth.
Right after that, undertaker appears (great make-up!).

But what was that just before?
You don't believe me? Look!

I don't know what's more scary,
The undertaker or the undertaker mixed with that pic…

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 11 months ago

We already have a wrestling thread. But I have no clue what that womens mouth is. Maybe something they accidentally cut in.

by zack1

17 years, 11 months ago

once again, please keep all wrestling talk in the wrestling thread…:-)

*bodyslams this thread* 1…2…3!
