Universal and your packs?

by Fuzzy79

23 years ago

Has anyone ever gone into Universal Studios with thier pack on? Can you even do that or would they take you to the ground haul you off to some dark room and slap you with some law infringement?

by RoboProp

23 years ago

Naw!…just don't take your pack. Ever since 9/11, theme park security is jumping at anything that looks like a weapon. Especially if it's made with metal. I wouldn't risk it unless your going to a convention and you're asked to “check your gear” at the door.

by Fuzzy79

23 years ago

I was just there this last Nov. and was wondering that i'm not planning to go any time soon. I was just wondering if it was possible.

by RoboProp

23 years ago

Anything is possible! No harm no foul right? smile

by ecto-3

23 years ago

I think the GBs there would be jealous of your pack(pending if it is better then theirs or not), and I also think park security would strike up an instant “friendship” with you wink

by Fuzzy79

23 years ago

The main reason I am asking is because I always thought it would be a cool idea to set a date about a year or two down the road during maybe the summer months and see how many Ghostheads we could get down thier to show off our hard work and how much we want to see Ghostbusters come back in almost any form. Plus it would be really fun to see just tons of Ghostbusters walking through the park. I don't know what do you guys(and gals) think.


23 years ago

that would be awsome, get all the Ghostbusters down there to show the Universal guy who's boss in the biz! I can see it now, about 35 ecto-1(and the ecto-va) pull inot the studios parking lot….theres faces would be priceless…

by RoboProp

23 years ago

Sounds like fun! I'd go in a minute… but I'd leave the hardware at home. The thought of getting tackled by security for toting a proton pakc is something I'd like to avoid. smile

by ziggy

23 years ago

we have a thread going on at asap about this same thing…here is a quote from one of the USFGB's:

“walking aroung USF in your gear would definately get you thrown out in a second, and i mean literally thrown out of the turnstiles. Technically if you wear your stuff out in the park, you automatically represent universal and anything you do, like lets say scratch your behind in the middle of the street, its like universal tells the GB to scratch themselves in front of the public. I hope that makes sense, its a legal thing”

by ray

23 years ago

If you guys are serious about this let us know about the date. lets go around summer so we can finish our packs. may be we 'll get some respect and push out the third movie!

We are Ready to do this,
Ray And Peter
