Universal and your packs?

by Ectoman

23 years ago

The above post Ziggy posted was quoted by an actor that plays a Ghostbuster at Universal.. you'll get kicked out without getting your money back.. it's just that simple..

by ecto-3

23 years ago

And they charge quite a bit too, if you plan on doing this I suggest you skip the family package plan eh? wink

by Fuzzy79

23 years ago

Thanks for shining the legal light on the subject I knew there must be something that would stop us | but hey it was a fun idea.

by Ectoman

23 years ago

Maybe they'll let you be an honorary GB? smile

by ghostbuster1000

23 years ago

hay i thought id let you guys know that we at OGBD A franchise of GBI Got together in suits and packs and all joinded up at paramounts kings island in cencinatti ohio this was during the mounth of october during there fear fest exstravaganza!Th e people working at the park loved the costumes they all got a big kick out of it people were stoping and geting pictures with us i have pics some wear ill find them and post them !

by thaboogeyman

23 years ago

A few years ago, while I was working at Universal Studios Florida, I walked into the Ghostbusters attraction while the building was undergoing renovations. The Twister set was under construction, but there were still mannequins in the front window of, what was formerly the Ghostbusters gift shop, wearing proton packs (in ghostbusting garb as well). I wonder if anyone else remembers the display I'm referring to. The one with the lame Slimer replica made of foam? Anyway, I was working as crowd support on a production shoot nearby, no one noticed I was wandering into the building, and, to this day, I wonder what would've happened if I “borrowed” one of those packs (granted, I made it past security on my way out of the employee entrance)…I heard that a couple of months later, someone had stolen a proton pack from the same display. Lucky basta…

by drugasbuster

23 years ago
