Universal Florida Attraction

by ECTOI@aol.com

23 years, 2 months ago

Hi all
I'm not sure where I should be posting this. But, I am trying to find a video copy of the “Pre-Show” film for the Universal Studions Florida Ghostbusters show. It ran on TV monitors while people waited in line to get into the show. It was a “Get your own Ghostbusters Franchise” Infomercial
I was the costumer for the shoot and supplied all the costumes (except background) and Props.
I even got to be in it. The last shot where a crowd of people in GB costumes point at the camera and Shout “Be A Ghostbuster!!” I am the last guy on the left.
I would love a copy of this if anyone has one

by Kingpin

23 years, 2 months ago

I've seen several copies of it on eBay.

by EctoErnie

23 years, 2 months ago

If anyone gets this item I will so buy one off of you. That thing was Hillarious, I remember the old lady in the walker… HAHAHA!…Wait…do I remember that? Oh well, I'd still love a copy. Any other Universal things would be chillin and illin. Why did I just say that?


by ECTOI@aol.com

23 years, 2 months ago

Yes, thats it, thats the tape. There was an old lady in a walker! She was very nice! I have a picture of her somewhere

by EctoErnie

23 years, 2 months ago

So that means some of my memories are legitemit! All those ghostbusters, a site to be seen! And i remember they “sold” GB Equipment packages for thousands of dollars. YAY!!!!!!!


by ECTOI@aol.com

23 years, 2 months ago

All the equipment they showed in the video was mine and a friends (Bear B)
I did all the costumes and supplied the equipment smile
That is why I want to get a copy of it

by ECTOI@aol.com

23 years, 2 months ago

Any sign of a copy of the Pre-Show video?