Unneccesary roughness?

by TheGreatHambino

21 years, 6 months ago

its not that i dont like it its just that i find it a bit on the funny side. not f–ed as in bad as in dysfuntcional family at christmas kinda of way.

No hatred, just jokes.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 6 months ago

by texasgb1

21 years, 6 months ago

Are you sure your talking about the right board?

by Xenographer42

21 years, 6 months ago

Oh, fantabulistic. This thread has become the thing it was designed to combat.

Please, everyone, if you're going to bicker, do it elsewhere. You're missing the point entirely.

by TheGreatHambino

21 years, 6 months ago

no i'm done i promise no more fighting from me.

No hatred, just jokes.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 6 months ago

by slimerboy

21 years, 6 months ago

ive never seen a thread locked due to boredom, on gb.net a certain mod would lock things in the paranormal if he didnt believe in them but other than that i have never seen unfairness towards locking the threads

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 6 months ago

lol who did that?

by lordvego1

21 years, 6 months ago


by GBinOrlando

21 years, 6 months ago

it is i.

lets just say. long lengthy letters addressing people, with use of big words goes no where. we had some small inkling of hope a while back, but oh look. something went wrong and you're back to dealin. im perfectly content havin a great time over a night squad, and gbhq(when i post there occasionally). ive been banned, twice, the first time, i guess was just, but no warning. the second, is because i think a certain moderator is a poor excuse for a want to be comedian. poo poo potty is not funny. and signature pics depicting his humor not being funny were censored. freedom of speech. wonderously not here. you're in a reality where truth and honesty does not exist. its all a disney movie here.

there's really nothin you can do about this place man. im glad to see some pals from here over on those other boards i go to. mods, edit my post and prove me right. i just wanted to see if i wasnt banned anymore, suspended, what the heck ever i was, and let you all know where the hell ive been. i hope to see some of you all who arent there and are my pals there too. people change when they open their eyes.

id also like to thank those that had “free protoncharger” and various other signatures themed around me. you all are truly a bunch of cool people. and truth be told, i didnt want any one in trouble over me, but it shows who you're pals are.