Unneccesary roughness?

by river_of_slime

21 years, 6 months ago

*screams like Marty* DOC!!!!! I know who you are talking to and thats me! So stop it! nobody is perfect and you werent 100% perfect as a mod either so come on Doc stop talking about me and Eric is right alot of people dont post here that much also GBHQ boards are dont have very many post a day either, the community is getting smaller i think b/c all u do and other is complaing and people get ingone about that so that why people dont post that much

by DocRyedale

21 years, 6 months ago


21 years, 6 months ago

i'm with chuck on this one , i've been to gbhq , i don't like the look , i don't like the setup , and i'm very stubborn so since i'm already used to this site , and i like this site i'm going to stay here , besides , i've seen all the people over there moaning about how this site is dying and they can hardly wait for it to die . well i'm on here every day reading through 70+ posts if thats dying then i'd say the life support is working pretty damn well . if everyone has such a problem with this site then perhaps it's best that they have this other site to whine about this one on . i personally love this site , i've never had a problem with who runs it and i don't have a problem with the other mods . some people take things a bit too seriously , i mean it's not like this is your job , it's a damn ghostbusters website , people need to understand this , if one of your posts gets deleted you shouldn't freak out like someone just killed your mother , they got rid of a post on a ghostbusters website . chill people . granted it's fun to come one here and talk with other people with the same interests . my power has been out all day , it just came back on and here i am , so obviously i like coming here . but i don't spend all my free time freaking out about what happens online . just a little reality check

you can go back to your ranting now people

p.s. i'd also like to see alot less threads about egon and how people love him , enough you already have what , like 30 posts about that ?

the quotes inside of quotes inside of quotes thing is getting pretty old too , try and tone it down some people

by TheGreatHambino

21 years, 6 months ago

-give bondo a football style smack on the ass-

Way ta go!!! -thumbs up-

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 6 months ago

i'm with chuck on this one , i've been to gbhq , i don't like the look , i don't like the setup , and i'm very stubborn so since i'm already used to this site , and i like this site i'm going to stay here , besides , i've seen all the people over there moaning about how this site is dying and they can hardly wait for it to die

ummmm no. first the look rocks, the setup is even better, if you like this site fine, no one is making you go there, you seen all the people over there moaning about how this site is dying and sucks? theres one thread about this site over there out of the hundreds of threads that arnt its not nightsquad its a GBC alternative and im sorry its way superior less fights less garbage its just a bunch of us Ghostheads from the good old days getting back to buisness and back to life after GBN. just because your not a moderator over there man doesnt mean you have to try to bring it down.


by toygeek1

21 years, 6 months ago

just because your not a moderator over there man doesnt mean you have to try to bring it down.

Well, I'm not a moderator here OR at GBHQ…nor do I have any real desire to be so…but I am on other sites, and I'm gonna have to agree with him. No offense, but I just don't care for GBHQ. I was invited to join in, I checked it out, and while it is a very nice place to be, it just doesn't suit my purposes. One of the things that permeates the site is a general feeling of unrest towards GBN and whatever incarnation it happens to be in. And it's especially hostile towards Chad himself. You're correct, in that not much of it is said, but there's a LOT that is implied by what is and is not said.

To the point, trying to torpedo his statement by calling “jealousy” doesn't wash…he's not the only one that thinks that way. It's what some of us like to call an “opinion”. Is there any problem with the other site? Absolutely not…in fact I applaud the fact that when someone felt there was a need, they actually DID something about it. There's not enough of that these days. But you won't find me hanging out there. I like this site, and I'm too busy to try and pick up another one…so I've gotta choose, and I choose this one.


21 years, 6 months ago

i never said that i wouldn't go there because i'm not a mod there . look for my only posts on that board , both before i was a mod here , and they say the same thing , i don't like the setup . i like this page , i like the people on this page , and most of the people over there i never really talked to anyway , i can only think of a few and they talk to me here or on aim anyway . besides bo is there and we don't get along , we never have . and this site is 99% bo free . i'm not hated by anyone ( that i know of ) i get along with pretty much everyone here . and i just really love the setup here . i have to read enough posts here being a mod . i don't need a whole other site to read everyday , i'd never have time to leave the house ! i check it out now and then , but only for a few minutes . don't expect to see at most one post a month from me there , i just don't like it . and it's not like anyone invited me to come over there , so obviously if everyone wanted me there people would have asked me to come over

by TheGreatHambino

21 years, 6 months ago

they're the snobs of the GB message board lunch room. -throws a thing of milk their way- actually i am just jealous that they wont let me in their clique but hey i am still apart of the big group so if there was school rumble the numbers are on our side.

No hatred, just jokes dont take it personally.


21 years, 6 months ago

i'm not going that far , i just don't want to get used to a whole new page when i already like this one , i wasn't calling them snobs . i don't want to start some sort of war between the sites

by TheGreatHambino

21 years, 6 months ago

oh i know you werent. and i dont either although that would be almost kinda cool. but a war is a bad idea i just like making jokes and cant help it from time to time to go a little far

No hatred, just jokes.