Unneccesary roughness?

by TheGreatHambino

21 years, 6 months ago

no hatred, just jokes? response to my last post? i wasnt jokin.

P.S. Hambino your not funny PC hit it right on the head


by toygeek1

21 years, 6 months ago

P.S. Hambino your not funny PC hit it right on the head.

no jokes just hatred.
Well, it's a good thing that you hate this place so much and don't want to be here then. At least Hambino tries to be nice…even if he does try a little to hard to be funny sometimes.

Remember those kids in high school that thought they were the cool table, but secretly everyone was laughing at them. Yeah, guess what table you just proved you're sitting at? This is me laughing.


by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 6 months ago

toygeek you have been in this community for like 10 minutes so I dont know why you continue to act like you know what the hell is going on all the time… its actually quite funny you try so hard to belong and be apart of the “group” but its just not working I love this community and you have no Idea how hard I have tryed to keep it together and strong BTW this is me laughing


by toygeek1

21 years, 6 months ago

I've been around a lot longer that you might think. However, I don't really put much effort into trying to be “part of the group”. If I am, fine… if I'm not, then so be it. Honestly, I've been recently re-evaluating the reasons I come here at all. My original purpose is fulfilled, and my secondary purpose is more for other folks than it is for me. I've got other things that I can be focusing my attention on, and it may just be high time I did so.

I do, however, think it's interesting to notice that the same people that are the most vocal about “the problem that is Chad”, are also the ones that seem to feel that they must promote themselves at the cost of others. This leads me to believe that while there is probably some hidden grain of truth to what has been said, the problem really isn't Chad's…it's that you're all assholes. You don't get to push me around just because your post count's higher, so you're just going to have to deal with it. Why don't you take it back to your board where apparantly being an asshole is not only tolerated, it's applauded. Because if you think you're gonna get ME to back down, then I hope you brought a lunch and a coat…it's gonna be an awfully long time before hell freezes over.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 6 months ago

by toygeek1

21 years, 6 months ago


I don't have some “far reaching secret”. And I've not been here for “longer than many members combined”…well, I suppose that could actually be true, but it depend on the members.

I've really been around since just before the It's Coming stuff started, though I don't usually admit to that. I didn't actually join and start posting until early this year. I do have some fairly extensive study in on the entertainment industry as a whole that helps me carry on proper discussions though.

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 6 months ago

believe me riddle he hasnt, im not trying to get anyone to back down, back down from what? theres nothing to back down about, since when am I anti chad? I have said hes a good person and a great webmaster I just dont like what he did to SG1 and Eric… and am I wrong for that? im not trying to promot myself at all to anybody at anyones expense I dont really consider myself an asshole but if thats how you see me than so be it.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 6 months ago

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 6 months ago

I have no problem with the guy either, except he seems to want to attack me any chance he gets, he also seems to be pointing the finger at me as some sort of leader in the anti-chad campainge which is simply not true, ill be the first to admit save Bill chad has done the most for the ghosthead community then anyone again save bill, so you can understand my resentment when someone pins me as something im not.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 6 months ago

believe me riddle he hasnt, im not trying to get anyone to back down, back down from what? theres nothing to back down about, since when am I anti chad? I have said hes a good person and a great webmaster I just dont like what he did to SG1 and Eric… and am I wrong for that? im not trying to promot myself at all to anybody at anyones expense

What? I've been agreeing with you 100% since page 1. :p I don't think it was right either (I'd still like to know what those so-called “legal reasons” were, though.). Of course I liked Chad. It's just that ever since that whole mess with sg1star and Eric occured I've been really disappointed. Not to mention the bannings of brian_reilly and ProtonCharger. And the bannings that haven't happened but should happen of peter vakman123, Garfield-Fanatic and any other spammers that ABSOLUTELY NO ONE likes or wants around here.

BTW, ProtonCharger I'm registered at GBHQ's message board. So I'll see you over there! :-)