Upcoming Project

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

Ok, as those who keep up with this board know, I just finished a moderately successful attempt at quite literally my first prop every constructed with my own hands; I am on one of those “I can do no wrong / I can do anything” highs because of it.

That being said, because of this mood I am in, I have decided to take on construction of something far more large and complicated…either a Proton Pack or a (now archaic thanks to the game) Slime Blower. Since I have decided to take one (or possibly both depending on time and funds) on this weekend, I have a question to those whom have successfully completed either or both:

“Do you have any suggestions?”

I mean, do you have any suggestions or tips, or maybe some lessons you learned construction yours that maybe you could pass on to prevent someone just starting from making the same mistake.
Any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated..

by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

Just a quick question.

Are you going to go for the proton pack look in GB1, GB 2, or the game version?

by Yehome

15 years, 8 months ago

Do the GB TVG proton pack with all upgrades on and popping cyclotron!

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

Scott Sommer;142890
Just a quick question.

Are you going to go for the proton pack look in GB1, GB 2, or the game version?

I was thinking GB1…I was contemplating a fully upgraded version of the pack but I want to wait until the game to come out (if I decided to do that mind you) so I will have plenty of definitive reference images.
Do the GB TVG proton pack with all upgrades on and popping cyclotron!

I WISH. I actually was contemplating that…looking into servo’s and there cost in addition to controller boards…but if I do anything “complicated” at the moment…it will be lights and sounds…I just do not have the know how or experience do make a pack that has a venting function like in the game…
One day I hope….One day…

by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

If I could make a suggestion.

If you are going to make a proton pack, do the one that is the easiest to build. Afterwords if you think you did an awesome or even a fair job and why to try something harder…go for the video game one if you can.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

I was thinking the very same thing myself, despite the fact that I already have some idea's on how to produce a pack like in the game

But right now KISS.


The current plan is this:

If I actually make something some count then after the game comes out I plan on making another one the exact same way and then from there upgrade it as best to my abilities the way the fully upgraded pack looks in the game.

by jogi82

15 years, 8 months ago

i can give u only the tip that u should not go so much for an 100% acuracity!
in an movie (fanbased) noone will reconise it!

and if u doing it, take the time u need and work only when u r in the right mood!
otherwise u will end up with shit!