Title: RGB and the ghost of Owen Hart (RGB/WWE crossover)
story: While researching for recent ghost activity, Egon stumbles upon a video on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkAicya8gSY
upon discovering this video, he researches and finds that the ghost is possibly that of Owen Hart who fell to his death in that arena in 1999.
The RGB travel to kemper arena and meet Randy Orton there who was possibly the only wrestler that witnessed the paranormal activity as revealed in the video.
Characters: Ray, Peter, Egon, Winston, Janie, Randy Orton, Slimer, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, and possibly Vince Mcmahon.
if you have any suggestions or ideas let me know. ill post the first chapter when i eventually get it done. (im in college so i may not have time to write much :p )