Updated: MOC and loose RGB figures for sale

by winston18

17 years, 9 months ago

Hello everyone I have 2 MOC GB figures that I am selling if anyone is interested. There is a link to a pic below. UPDATE: Added two more MOC figures.
1st Series Winston MOC- Nice card shows some yellowing on the bottom of the card but overall very nice. I believe it is from the second run of 1st series figures. $100.

Fright Features Janine MOC- Card is bent a tad but is in pretty good condition. Very little (if any) yellowing. $30.

1st Series Slimer MOC- I have 2 of these both of them are on cards that are in good condition. $60 each

I know that the prices may seem high but I have seen these figures on ebay go for more (the Winston up to $140) and I believe they are fair. PM or post here if interested.

I am located in the US and will ship worldwide but the buyer is responsible for all shipping and handling charges.

Happy Easter to everyone and have a good day.

by winston18

17 years, 9 months ago

Hello, I plan on having some loose RGB figures for sale soon so check back later if interested. Thanks

by winston18

17 years, 9 months ago

I have some loose RGBs for sale here's the list;

1st Series Peter- I have 2 of these both show minor wear. Joints are all solid. $3 each

Fright Features Ray- I have 2 of these both show some small wear but are in good shape. Fright feature works well on both. $3 each

Power Pack Winston- This figure is in very good condition with some very small wear, solid joints. $3

Fright Features Peter- I have 2 of these both show some wear one has had the green pupils rubbed off of his eyes. Fright Feature works well. $2 for the one with pupils $1 for the one without.(EDIT:The $1 figure has been sold)

Fright Features Egon- I have 2 of these both are worn and one has a fright feature that gets stuck with its mouth open, you can manually close it but it doesn't close like it should. $3 for non-faulty fright feature. $2 for fright feature that gets stuck.

Super Fright Features Winston- This figure is in good condition. The helmet is a little hazy but the fright feature works well and the joints are solid. Very little paint wear. $3

Slimed Heroes Ray- I have 2 of these they both show some slight paint wear. Joints are solid. On both part of the slime pattern is visible even when cold water is not on the figure. I'm not sure how well the slime feature works on either one. $3 each

Screaming Egon- This figure is in good condtion, solid joints, little wear, and the spinning feature works well. I don't have the ghost so I can't tell you how well the “scream” works but since the spinning works fine the scream probably works too. $3

All of the figures are loose and come with NO accessories. PM or reply here if interested. Thanks