17 years, 10 months ago
17 years, 10 months ago
17 years, 10 months ago
I have this game making software from WWW.GameMaker.NL and I somewhat know how to use it. Has anyone ever made a game with this damn thing? For some reason the sprites have to be 32x32 but that dose not leave much detail, I mess with photoshop, so dose anyone who has used this program put me up on game as far as how to make custom sprites look good? I would love to create a RGB game.
17 years, 10 months ago
importtuner760Your sprites don't have to be 32x32 just change the values in the image width/heigth boxes when you create from a strip…
I have this game making software from WWW.GameMaker.NL and I somewhat know how to use it. Has anyone ever made a game with this damn thing? For some reason the sprites have to be 32x32 but that dose not leave much detail,
Crossing the StreamsIt just has to be a color(or colour for all you in the UK) that you're not using in your sprite.For example you don't want a black background if you're using black outlines in your sprite…also you don't have to set a transparent color.GM will do it automatically based on what's surrounding your selection..
im not 100% sure if thats how it works but you defiantely need an invisible color for your custom sprites i believe. what ever question you have i'll be sure to ask my teacher .
17 years, 10 months ago
the_blessed_freak51importtuner760Your sprites don't have to be 32x32 just change the values in the image width/heigth boxes when you create from a strip…
I have this game making software from WWW.GameMaker.NL and I somewhat know how to use it. Has anyone ever made a game with this damn thing? For some reason the sprites have to be 32x32 but that dose not leave much detail,
As far as help goes just PM me any questions and I'll be glad to help out…I've spent alot of time with gamemaker 5 and 6…Crossing the StreamsIt just has to be a color(or colour for all you in the UK) that you're not using in your sprite.For example you don't want a black background if you're using black outlines in your sprite…also you don't have to set a transparent color.GM will do it automatically based on what's surrounding your selection..
im not 100% sure if thats how it works but you defiantely need an invisible color for your custom sprites i believe. what ever question you have i'll be sure to ask my teacher .
17 years, 10 months ago
Crossing the StreamsIndeed… (*peter)
did you use game maker for the GB 2D stuff and the Evil Dead stuff?
17 years, 10 months ago
17 years, 10 months ago
importtuner760When you draw your backgrounds just make them realative to your player sprites…just draw something up them paste in you sprite to see if it looks right…
if my people sprites are 50x74 in Game Maker, how big should I make my backgrounds? I am new to this game making stuff. Here is a small game sprite of a Peter that I just finished. He also has a small ghost trap on the ground. Tell me what you think, I drew it with my mouse in photoshop.
17 years, 10 months ago