Various Movie Updates/Info. Spider-Man/Venom/Ironman/Cloverfield

by inebriantia

16 years, 5 months ago

Some of you may/may not know this information so I just thought I would post it, and hey if I inform one person then great, but I just found this stuff out.

Spider-Man News:

Numerous various sources have said that it's confirmed that Sony has decided to greenlight 2 more Spider-Man films, here's some details. I've only taken ones that are listed on numerous sites with articles containing alleged actual quotes from people.

They would like to shoot both movies back to back, with number 4 being released in 2011, and the movies will be one long story arc. Apparently Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire are both said to be on board with the project. “Zodiac” writer James Vanderbuilt is apparently doing the script for SM4, I don't know about 5. Dunst I guess hasn't been signed and there are rumors that she may not be in 4, they might go with another female from the storys.

The black suit won't make a return, at least not on Spider-Man. As far as villians go, they've only talked about one for sure. They said once they say a clue everyone will know immediatly. Many people believe it will be the Lizard. The actor who plays Curt Connors said he would love to get the chance to put on all the make-up and play the lizard. Also they said since the story will span 2 movies, Venom might make a comeback, leading people to believe Carnage might be seen in maybe the 5th movie.

Also it seems that the Venom movie has been confirmed. Jacob Estes has written a script, but I guess Sony isn't quite sure yet if they are going to use it. Co-Creator of Venom Todd McFarlane said that he wouldn't mind seeing Topher Grace playing the role of Venom. I don't personally like that idea but whatever. With all the “dark” comic book movie adaptations doing well, they wanna try to hop on the rollercoaster and see if they can squeeze some money out of Venom.

Director Jon Favreau has been working hard on the script with writer Justin Theroux. Robert Downey Jr. is also involved in the scriptwriting process. Terrence Howard gets to play War Machine in the next film. Favreau will have more time on screen as Tony Stark’s driver/bodyguard Happy Hogan. The series is being planned as a trilogy although classic Iron Man villain “The Mandarin” is the behind the scenes villain across the trilogy. Apparently Jon isn't sure if he wants to get into the whole “Magic Rings” thing for the films.

The most well-known storylines from the comic book series “Demon in a Bottle,” in which Stark becomes an alcoholic, and Rhodey taking over the role and armor of Iron Man during Stark's recovery are expected to be included, possibly both in the second sequel. Rhodey's role in the first film was not as expansive as originally intended, and Favreau expects to rectify that. He is also aware of and accepts the criticism he got over the final action scene in the movie and wants to make things right with that in the next movie as well.

It's also said that IronMan 2 might be in 3D, so they can play it at the IMax like the Dark Knight was, though I haven't been able to find enough evidence to support/confirm that.

During the Comic Con panel for Fringe, someone asked J.J. Abrams if there were any updates on a Cloverfield sequel. Abrams response started off very much in the same way that it did when he was asked about it before, but then he let slip a piece of information that is sure to spark conjecture amongst fans.
“There’s something we’re playing with now that may or may not happen. There’s an idea we have that plays with… it’s not a literal sequel.“ They're also saying that some of the ppl we thought we dead might not be, and may be in the new movie. They're also not sure how they're going to shoot it. They liked the way this one was shot, but they said they want to experiment and have some fun with it or whatever. Luckily it won't be years from now untill the sequel like Abrams wanted. Some articles suggested that Abrams apparently had another film he was supposed to do, and wanted to but they told him they wanted him to immediatly start working on the sequel. he said he wanted to take a break from Cloverfield, and wasn't real happy about the situation, but got over it for some reason. Maybe they paid him more money to shut up and quit whining, lol.

Also I just found this out, I never knew this about Cloverfield. Now I knew the monster was a baby in the movie. I also saw the dot at the end of the film, that fell from outer space and landed in the ocean. I always assumed since it was the day before or whatever that it was the egg, and it fell from space, hatched in the ocean, and then attacked NY.

However… I've recently read an article with Abrams being interviewed and he said about the dot from space. He said that it was a satellite that fell from space, and when they went to get the satellite out of the ocean, that's when the monster was awaken.

I never knew any of that, I love it when myself or others find something out about movies they knew was in there or about. This was something I thought not a whole lot of ppl knew about.

If anyone else has more info than what I've got posted, pls let me know, I'd be very interested in hearing it.

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years, 5 months ago

nicely done. I'm looking foward to all three.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 5 months ago

I always assumed since it was the day before or whatever that it was the egg, and it fell from space, hatched in the ocean, and then attacked NY.

It's been awhile since I have seen cloverfield but if I remember correctly didn't that scene took place at least a month prior?

What I have been hearing about Cloverfield sequels boiled down to telling the same event over again but from various other groups point of views…or what I like to call….The Resident Evil 2 Syndrome.

by inebriantia

16 years, 5 months ago

I'm not for sure how far back it was. I just remembered the scene, that's why I said a day before or whatever. I haven't seen the movie for prolly least 3 weeks, which was the first time I had noticed it. In the articles I read talking about they didn't say what the date was on that scene, he just talked about the satellite and awakening the monster, so your prolly right about the date, I'll have to go on youtube or something and find out.

About the sequel that's what I always thought, untill I read that article. The interview was done at Comic Con San Diego back in July 24th-ish not sure of the exact date. There was some other details, personally I just think that they can't make up their mind. They keep saying this, then it changes to that, I just go off of latest news when it comes to Abrams b/c who knows if he's telling the truth or not. Regardless it's what he wants, us talking about it, lol. Thats why he never reveals much, which also makes me angry, but interested.

by OniellFord

16 years, 5 months ago

I'm not for sure how far back it was. I just remembered the scene, that's why I said a day before or whatever. I haven't seen the movie for prolly least 3 weeks, which was the first time I had noticed it. In the articles I read talking about they didn't say what the date was on that scene, he just talked about the satellite and awakening the monster, so your prolly right about the date, I'll have to go on youtube or something and find out.

About the sequel that's what I always thought, untill I read that article. The interview was done at Comic Con San Diego back in July 24th-ish not sure of the exact date. There was some other details, personally I just think that they can't make up their mind. They keep saying this, then it changes to that, I just go off of latest news when it comes to Abrams b/c who knows if he's telling the truth or not. Regardless it's what he wants, us talking about it, lol. Thats why he never reveals much, which also makes me angry, but interested.

inebriantia, I am with you on that comment. By the way, I dont know if you have found this site or not but I'll put up the link anyways.

Cloverfield Clues

Scroll down a bit and you'll see that J.J. Abrams has confirmed a sequal in a way. I wont spoil it for you by saying in this post, but if you want to know what he says, follow the link.

About Spider-Man 4 & 5, I would LOVE to see Carnage appear! He is one of my favorite villans. I think that if they want everybody to freak out more, they should let Dillon Baker be The Lizard. I think he would be great playing a mindless, raging reptile!

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 5 months ago

About Spider-Man 4 & 5, I would LOVE to see Carnage appear!

I hear ya. I would love see Carnage AND Venom in a movie…but after they fudged up Venom….

by inebriantia

16 years, 5 months ago

Yeah I was at that site the other day. What I did for my topic was just go around and look at the tons of articles, interviews, etc. Then just try and take away the actual facts that appears more than once, were reliable, confirmed, and pull that stuff outta the garbage information like that is sometimes wrapped around to give people actual or at least at the time reliable news. Stuff like what you showed me is definatly interesting, he said a lot but the only stuff that seemed was important was the quote I put about him saying he's playing with ideas, and it might not be a literal sequel.

I only wanted to use the quote b/c sometimes ppl reword things in their mind without relizing it, I do it sometimes to, everyone does. I just wanted to make sure that didn't happen with myself. I have certain ideas and opinions, on the movies I talked about, but I don't wanna say anything that might turn up false. At least with this stuff I can hey look at these articles, this was said by these people to be true, or confirmed so people dont get upset with me.

Aside from that stuff, I do hope Carnage is in the new SM movies. He and Venom were my favorites. As far as The Lizard, I don't think the guy who plays Connors would do. Maybe they could do something like the Hulk. What's his name could play Connors, and someone else play the lizard, or the voice. They really are two different personalities.

Cloverfield, I hope it is a sequel, and not another viewpoint or something like that. I don't like the idea of making a different movie, thats related to Cloverfield. All that is, is a spin-off disguised as something else. It would be like them peeing in my face and telling me it's raining.(Which in The Kingdom that happens to Jackie Chan and I thought that was halirous)