GBSuff. Considering by your own admission you don't know for sure whether such a feature will actually be in the final game the legitimacy of the information you've been given is in doubt, and as it isn't yet proven I strongly urge you to refrain from talking about it anymore.
It's one thing to tease if you know something, it's another when it's word of mouth and not something you've seen with your own eyes. Even if it was from someone involved with the development I'd rather the information I was getting was from someone who'd actually seen it, or been given it as part of an official interview.
If there is anything else you know, please don't bother sharing it. Whether or not it's accurate has become irrelevant because it has become rather tedious to see you post some obscure remark about something to do with the game, followed by “we'll wait and see” when someone asks what you're talking about. That's the sort of dead-end speculation we can do without.