Venkmans part in GB3 (spoiler)

by RickyM

15 years, 2 months ago

Okay, I got to throw my two cents into this thread.

I've been sitting on the thought of this and I'm praying to go that this isn't true. I have some doubts about Bill Murray returning to the franchise considering his lack of enthusiasm when asked about GB3. Peter Venkman…a ghost…really? If Murray isn't too thrilled to wear a proton pack what makes you think he'll want to be a free-floating-full-torso-apparition? Would he come back in human form with Slimer trailing behind like man's-er, ghost's best friend? Or would he come back as something else? And if Peter is dead where does that leave our other GBs?

A year and a half left? I don't remember this picture getting the green light just yet nor has there been any official word of an approved script or director attracted to the project. Has there? And what is this I saw here last week about Ivan Reitman being killed? I couldn't find anything to back up that story.

Time and time again I've read articles of Murray saying the script has to be REALLY GOOD for him to return. I think they would be able to do better than this. Maybe we are all being taken on a ride from the latest GB movie news. I'd like to think that GB3 could be more like GB1 after seeing the disaster GB2 was. Let's try to take a step forward with this, not backwards.

fair points, but i really dont no why people say GB2 was a disaster, no it wasnt as good as the first but most sequals are not as good as the first, GB2 kicks all ass if you ask me, its a brilliant film, such a shame it is critisized, undeserved really

by GB3

15 years, 2 months ago

I'm surprised that this Bill Murray/Venkamn ghost role in GB3 is coming up again. These were the rumors when it was supposedly in the works a decade ago. Yet its coming from Murray and Weaver. This isn't what I'd like to see in GB3. It better not happen like this. I too rather they'd not make this if this is the case. Does it look like Murrays enthusiasm has died again after he seemed so much more chirpy about it after he voiced the character in the video game? Now he seems to be mouthing up about it again. I can't see Sony/Columbia greenlight this if Venkman doesn't have a contributing role to the films story. Does seem that Murray was questioning the story concept of starting over again. Wasn't he qouted on these boards on past news bits that he was very down about the notion the old GB's are only to start off the movie and hand it over to a new cast? He said he hated the idea of starting the thing over again. Maybe this is what he is upset about.
I just saw an interview with Ivan Reitman over a week ago. It was up to date about his current movies that he's produced including the one with his son Jason, Up in the Air. Asked about GB3 he said it looks like its happening for sure. The characters are so loved and in demand and that the story is something original that fits the GB spirit. Awhile ago he had met up with Murray and they were all happy and had a long chat. I just can't see this Venkman ghost thing being true. Why would Sony go thru this fuss of making a sequel if Murray becomes a ghost for the film? We need to hear more from Dan or Harold to clear this up. Yet this bit comes from Murray coming from Dan, based on the article?

by Ectofiend

15 years, 2 months ago

Bill Murray, October 2009 (Yorkshire Post)

After reading that tidbit at the end of the interview my original “Hellbent” worries are all coming flooding back again…(*egon)(*egon)(*egon)

by slimer3881

15 years, 2 months ago

S now they're telling us the most important member ( not to mention the main star ) is being killed off and turned into a Ghost himself?

Dan or Harold better come and clear these scattered rumors quick, if its true, it looks like the only good thing to come out of this movie is new merchandise and the overall fact that it was finally made.

by Kingpin

15 years, 2 months ago

These rumors resurface because hacks like Harry Knowles need to keep the rumor train running so people still visit their dodgy sites.

by Brendan_M

15 years, 2 months ago

These rumors resurface because hacks like Harry Knowles need to keep the rumor train running so people still visit their dodgy sites.

We'll just have to wait until the summer of 2011 to see what actually happens.

Harold Ramis recently spoke to Heeb and had this to say about the project:

Something's going to happen. Dan did write a spec GB3 screenplay a few years ago, but no one was motivated to pursue it. Now, 25 years after the original, there seems to be some willingness to proceed and apparently a substantial public appetite for a sequel. We'll introduce some new young Ghostbusters, and all the old guys will be in it, too. Think Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future…GB3 is progressing with plans to shoot next summer and release in 2011.

by theo1361

15 years, 2 months ago
she really doesnt know and also she wouldnt be able to talk about it if she did. the link leads to a video

by Andreas

15 years, 1 month ago

I'm not going to comment on what's in the script and on what Sigourney may or may not have said
Ivan Reitman, January 2010 (MTV)

No denial …

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 1 month ago

Ivan Reitman, January 2010 (MTV)

No denial …

No confirmation either.

I love how so many people turn “no comment” into “I'm not denying anything” now a days… When really that's saying “I'm neither confirming or denying anything.”

by Dr.D

15 years ago

God. Damn. It. I hope this movie never sees the light of day. I am so pissed at everyone involved. If Murray really didn't want to do this, then it's simple, DON'T MAKE THE GODDAMN MOVIE! Bill Murray was the backbone of the franchise and unless, and I'm 99.99999% sure that this ISN'T the case, the film is about bringing him back Egon's Ghost style, this movie is already a flop. I guarantee most people who aren't fans like us immediately connect Bill Murray to this franchise and if this movie starts with him dying, which will be common knowledge if this turd is made, people will say “ Oh, Bill Murray dies in this, that's lame.” Not to mention the fact that most kids nowadays are too used the the Michael Bayesque films of ADD amounts of Action, Boobs, and Bottle Rocket stars who won't be remembered in 5,10,15 years. This movie needs all four as Ghostbusters, it really is that simple. Ghostbusters is about the team, not splashy effects or big name-no talent guest stars strapping on a proton pack. Without all four of the cast members, this isn't Ghostbusters. I can't believe any true fan of the franchise would see this as a good move. Seriously, all my hopes for GBIII have died this very night. Remember this day well Ghostheads, for it is the beginning of the end for GBIII.