15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
Doctor Venkman;158972
Sorry, but I'm not going to trust these articles, especially when at least one of them misspelled Aykroyd.
I'm sorry, but credibility goes out the window at that point.
15 years ago
Aykroyd is hard to spell; I flipped the y and k at the beginning for years because the y is silent. That site spelled it Ackroyd, and that is phonetically the way it is spelled. Doesn't mean they are not right in the news. Now if they missed Murray, then i would be worried.
On the News: Kotaku is reporting it to, so it probably is real. Really, people know the disgust I have had for Murray and he shunning the Ghostbusters franchise. He warmed up, did the game, and wanted to do the third movie and I thought he grown a heart. Well now I think I am wrong. I mean why is he so lazy? Zombieland was great, but was short and he *SPOILER* got killed in it real quick. Was this a prelude to what he wants to do? *END SPOILER* I mean he dies and is a ghost, he won't be on set anymore, only in the studio voicing the cgi version, ala Garfield. *sigh* Bill, quit fucking with Ghostbusters. Either your in or out, and if you are out don't stop future projects. This makes my head hurt.