Venkmans part in GB3 (spoiler)

by OptimusFord

15 years ago

considering there is no link to a real reason that is just someone trying to get hits.

by Dr.D

15 years ago

Who do you think “Dan” is? I pray this is false.

by mdp872105

15 years ago

heres my feelings about the possible death of venkman.

I would be okay if his character died early on, it would signal a change a new era where ghostbusters realize that they are not as young as they use to be and that they need to pass on the torch. This would give a great start to a new team and if done correctly it would not only make a good movie, but also really reviatilize this franchise. Its like when they did the various other series such as CSI, Power Rangers, and Terminator series. Each one of these had unique events happen in them that change the pallet but didn't really change the formula.

That being said if they make him a full on ghost that hangs around the fire house like slimer. Than forget it, it changes what ghostbusters is. There may be some way to do it right but i don't see how. If he is dead and he makes a camo as a ghost at the end that would be fine. I just dont see venkman being just some other ghost.

by Vezner

15 years ago

I'm in agreement with most people here when I say that having Venkman die and become a ghost sounds like a horrible, horrible idea. If they really are doing this, it will take an incredible good story with fantastic characters to make me even remotely like this movie.

I have a feeling that I'll be considering GBTVG as the true GB3, at least in spirit.

by batman2

15 years ago

Bill has been one of the best people at trying to protect the franchise from pointless sequels, I remember him saying how the studio kept pushing for Ghostbusters 2 and when he said yes the film was completely different to what he had agreed to make, the studio had changed it.

I think Ghostbusters 2 was the only sequel Bill has ever made if you don't count things like Garfield where he just used his voice.

Anyway I have a feeling that Bill is winding everyone up as every interview he has done he has said he knows nothing about Ghostbusters 3 as he has not read any script, which is on it's current second re-write by Dan & Harold now that the writers from the Office had finished the first draft.

Bill Murray Confirms Ghostbusters 3 Role
And yes, Peter Venkman will be a…

'Actors get high salaries for the travel and trouble of being well known': the world according to Bill Murray

Bill Murray Confirms He’ll Take Part in Ghostbusters 3

by doctorvenkman1

15 years ago

Sorry, but I'm not going to trust these articles, especially when at least one of them misspelled Aykroyd.

I'm sorry, but credibility goes out the window at that point.

by RickyM

15 years ago

speaking from the heart as a lifelong GB fan, i dont want murray as a ghost, i want the 4 of them to be in it properly, for me, murray as a ghost is sad news, i dont even think they should call it GB3 considering they are going for a new generation they may aswell just restart the whole project because this will not be like the GB films we no and love, but i pray i'm wrong

by JSpengler

15 years ago

This would probably be the dumbest thing ever. Maybe if Egon can make a Lazarus machine to revive him.

by sandmanfvr

15 years ago

Doctor Venkman;158972
Sorry, but I'm not going to trust these articles, especially when at least one of them misspelled Aykroyd.

I'm sorry, but credibility goes out the window at that point.

Aykroyd is hard to spell; I flipped the y and k at the beginning for years because the y is silent. That site spelled it Ackroyd, and that is phonetically the way it is spelled. Doesn't mean they are not right in the news. Now if they missed Murray, then i would be worried.

On the News: Kotaku is reporting it to, so it probably is real. Really, people know the disgust I have had for Murray and he shunning the Ghostbusters franchise. He warmed up, did the game, and wanted to do the third movie and I thought he grown a heart. Well now I think I am wrong. I mean why is he so lazy? Zombieland was great, but was short and he *SPOILER* got killed in it real quick. Was this a prelude to what he wants to do? *END SPOILER* I mean he dies and is a ghost, he won't be on set anymore, only in the studio voicing the cgi version, ala Garfield. *sigh* Bill, quit fucking with Ghostbusters. Either your in or out, and if you are out don't stop future projects. This makes my head hurt.

by Ectoman57

15 years ago

Aykroyd is hard to spell; I flipped the y and k at the beginning for years because the y is silent. That site spelled it Ackroyd, and that is phonetically the way it is spelled. Doesn't mean they are not right in the news. Now if they missed Murray, then i would be worried.

On the News: Kotaku is reporting it to, so it probably is real. Really, people know the disgust I have had for Murray and he shunning the Ghostbusters franchise. He warmed up, did the game, and wanted to do the third movie and I thought he grown a heart. Well now I think I am wrong. I mean why is he so lazy? Zombieland was great, but was short and he *SPOILER* got killed in it real quick. Was this a prelude to what he wants to do? *END SPOILER* I mean he dies and is a ghost, he won't be on set anymore, only in the studio voicing the cgi version, ala Garfield. *sigh* Bill, quit fucking with Ghostbusters. Either your in or out, and if you are out don't stop future projects. This makes my head hurt.

Bill was my favorite GB, no one else can replace him. I wont belive aything unless i see a clear cut interview with bill and a creditable source of him talking about this. I wouldnt call him lazy at all. Zombieland was one of the best GB realted things ive seen in a long time. He had an awsome moment and ino stoll the movie.

This hole thing about him being a ghost, ill admit it is not the greatist idea in the world but as real GB fans we may have to accept it…I just wanna know how they plan to pull that off. im hoping that if it happens it will be done right.