Venkmans part in GB3 (spoiler)

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 11 months ago

Aykroyd is hard to spell; I flipped the y and k at the beginning for years because the y is silent. That site spelled it Ackroyd, and that is phonetically the way it is spelled. Doesn't mean they are not right in the news. Now if they missed Murray, then i would be worried.

Yea, you're a fan on a message board, and this is a website claiming to be a reputable news source. There's a difference.

by GB3

14 years, 11 months ago

I don't like this at all. If its really happening, ugh! I agree that it may have a sense of drama if they kill Venkman and it makes the GBs realize their too old or something. But if he's a ghost thru the film, come on! You think Sony would back this up? Why pay Murray whatever for this? Doesn't he want to work with Reitman and the gang one more time in a better sense? Come on this can't be true. I've seen the articles and it clearly states these may have been around the time of the Fantistic Mr Fox film promotions and he was saying that months ago last year. Yet he mentions Dan Ackroyd about the story note bit. So is it true? Please don't let it be. He always states the script is what matters. How can this be of any good material for him at all?
So all 4 old GB's are gonna be int it? Thats it for Venkman? No way. I really hope Murrays just jiving the press, maybe he's just sick of GB3 questions.

by JSpengler

14 years, 11 months ago

You know, I really hope this is a joke. Why would they give something that big away this early in the game? Scripts should be secretive til the trailer comes out and we really know what's going on. Are they trying to throw us off and give us a surprise?

by TaxiCabFloor

14 years, 11 months ago

This is all complete speculation…so my take still depends on what is true and not true.

There are inconsistencies…

I feel like Bill would make outlandish demands (like demanding to be a ghost for the duration)…something like this is meaningless unless it affects the outcome of the plot. Bill's biggest gripe with GB2 was that it lacked in originality. He SO wanted no part of the sequel he demanded the film be called “The Last of the Ghostbusters”…which they got out of. I can't imagine this being true because Bill isn't a writer…I can't imagine him saying “make me a ghost”…if he hates the script and it actually happening. There really isn't pressure for a third film (like there was for GB2)….so his outlandish request would be useless. I think it's just an old rumor and he may still believe the concept would be funny…but i doubt it is a condition. He has always seemed genuine recently about the script. I feel if he has seen the script…he's either saying yes or no. If he feels it's tacky or lame, he's not going to make a stupid demand or condition…he doesn't have the same pull he had in 88 when the franchise was still relevant, he'd simply say yes or no.

That's my take…maybe i'm off, it's all assumption on my part due to some solid quotes from him. I do actually believe he wants to do a 3rd one but I also believe he just doesn't want to do a third one JUST for the sake of doing a third one. In his interviews he seems to genuinely care for this franchise…and demanding a condition in the script means the script sucks…but i think at his age if he saw a GB3 script and it sucked…he wouldn't waste his time making such a stupid demand.

by Andreas

14 years, 11 months ago

I'll come back in Ghostbusters III only if I get to be a ghost.

I said to them, ‘I’ll do it if you kill me off in the first reel.' So now they are going to have me as a ghost in the film.

The first 45 minutes of the original Ghostbusters is some of the funniest stuff ever made.

The second one was disappointing, because the special-effects guys took over. I had something like two scenes - and they're the only funny ones in the movie.

Read more
Isn't this just a collection of old quotes beyond the article? (Or Murray repeats some of his sayings.)

by KWilliams

14 years, 11 months ago

Homma hommina hommina wha'?!

Didn't they read a comic book series similar to this where … nah, man. Not going to accept this. Why not just make a CGI film?? It worked for the video game. They can keep the original characters and…

Nevermind. They'll do what they're going to do and so far me no likey!

by Andreas

14 years, 11 months ago

Will Bill Murray be a spook in Ghostbusters III?

Ivan Reitman ain't afraid of no sequels! But the legendary Ghostbusters director-producer admits it took the unexpected success of a video game tie-in and a bit of not-so-subtle maneuvering by the studio to resurrect the once-huge comedy franchise from the dead—and he addresses Bill Murray's professed desire to play a more ethereal version of Dr. Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters III.

“Certainly Sony has been all over us for about two decades now, trying to get this going,” Reitman told us at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. "We have this sort of very interesting deal in which we really control the forward progress of the movie. did a very interesting thing: They actually hired these two writers on their own, without consulting us, and basically said, ‘We’re going to start.'"
Reitman said screenwriters Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky—best known for their work on NBC's The Office and the film Year One—are "very good writers, fortunately, and they wrote a first draft that was pretty good, considering that they didn't really talk to us that much. And I've since then been working with them for the last four or five months, just trying to get more of the kind of spirit of the film into it.“

Reitman added: ”There seems to be a lot of enthusiasm from everybody" about the return of original stars Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Sigourney Weaver. “We'll see. It's still not a reality. There are no deals. There's no real finished script.”
Murray was long assumed to be the lone holdout from the original cast, sliming plans for sequels for years. But the actor recently suggested that he'd return to the role under one condition: that he gets to play a ghost.

“We're well aware of his interest,” Reitman said with a chuckle when asked whether Murray's Venkman will be going ectoplasmic. "I've had some wonderful conversations with him—and that's all I'll say.
“It was really such a special part of my life, and such a turning point, really, in my career,” recalled Reitman. "I love working with those men. I've worked with Bill Murray five times and Dan Aykroyd a few times and Harold Ramis five or six times, and Sigourney Weaver I worked with three times. So the fact that they put out this video game that turned out to be one of the biggest video games of the year sort of reminded us how much resonance the story still seems to have."

source via Proton Charging

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 11 months ago

I don't know if I really like this GB3. All the actors involved in the first 2 movies are all old now. They have grey hair. I honestly think a GB3 is a bad idea at this point. I'd much rather have a remake of the first GB movie than to see a bunch of really old guys in proton packs.

by fusi0n1

14 years, 11 months ago

I would normally agree with that, but it's a comedy and four old guys with grey hair chasing ghosts sounds funny already. (Imagine them going to train a new team for the heavy busts, and they can't seem to keep up!)

I would be all for remakes, except they all are crap! I can't think of any remakes that are awesome (one came to mind: Dawn of the Dead) I DON'T want to see Michael Cera, Ben Stiller, Seth Rogen, Owen Wilson… this is old-school comedy back in the day when comedies use to use good humour, not crude boobs and swear words. Gross.

Let's see if they can capture some of the magic that was in the first two.

by HannibalKing

14 years, 11 months ago

“All the actors involved in the first 2 movies are all old now. They have grey hair.”

The only concern I'd have about that would be erectile disfunction jokes based around the proton accelerator. I mean could you imagine it if after the GB1 quote “make ‘em hard” the proton guns didn’t do what they intended? The grey hair part is in that quote simply because I found it funny.

I'll give you one thing though, I don't know how safe I feel having a bunch of old people wearing unlicensed nuclear accelerators :p