Video Game References Thread

by Nix

14 years, 1 month ago

Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere, but it's a pretty cool idea I had a few days ago.

The point of this thread is to catalog references to other Ghostbusters games as they appear in the 2009 game. I'll start all of you off with these:

–The “going up the tower” level is a very well-done homage to the Sega Genesis game's “High Rise Building” level, right down to Mr. Stay-Puft punching through the walls and looking at you through the windows.

–Some of the objects that come to life throughout the game also come from the Sega Genesis game–the paper ninjas in the library, for example, are descendants of the “skeleton prisoners” from the Castle level. The stone cherubs, however, seem to be based on some pink-slime-based creatures in New Ghostbusters II.

–The idea of the Pack's temperature gauge comes from the IBM Ghostbusters II computer game, although the idea of venting the pack gives it an original twist.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 1 month ago

I know this more is more obvious and had been listed in the easter egg thread, but the computer screen on the second floor of the firehouse has the game completed message on it from the NES version of Ghostbusters.

by Nix

14 years, 1 month ago

Not quite where I was going with it, but thank you.

I just had another one last night:

The golems, and other creatures, seem to come from Crystarobo from the Genesis game (I call him the Ice Golem). This is especially obvious when you Fright Freeze(TM) any of the golems…they look like they're made of ice.

Not strictly a GB reference, but does anyone else think Dan Aykroyd ripped off the Krargs from the Doctor Who story “Shada” when he came up with the Coal Golems?

by skankerzero

14 years, 1 month ago

Not strictly a GB reference, but does anyone else think Dan Aykroyd ripped off the Krargs from the Doctor Who story “Shada” when he came up with the Coal Golems?

I can tell you that we came up with all the characters here at TRI. Dan and Harold helped write the script and scienece bits, but they didn't come up with the ghosts and monsters and for sure had nothing to do with the actual designs.

by Nix

14 years, 1 month ago

I can tell you that we came up with all the characters here at TRI. Dan and Harold helped write the script and scienece bits, but they didn't come up with the ghosts and monsters and for sure had nothing to do with the actual designs.

I only thought he'd have come up with a few of the ghosts given the sheer amount of detail he put into the writing of the first film, that's all.

Still, if someone at TRI did take inspiration from the Krargs when they made the Coal Golems, then more power to ‘em. It’s always nice to have a more “obscure” reference or two to look out for…:-)

by slimelord1

14 years, 1 month ago

Did Dan or Harold or anyone else involved with the game's production say they played some of the older GB games during the development of this one?

by skankerzero

14 years, 1 month ago

I only thought he'd have come up with a few of the ghosts given the sheer amount of detail he put into the writing of the first film, that's all.

Still, if someone at TRI did take inspiration from the Krargs when they made the Coal Golems, then more power to ‘em. It’s always nice to have a more “obscure” reference or two to look out for…:-)

The golems and their shape are actually from BloodRayne 2. We had Roach Golems in there.

Slime Lord;168838
Did Dan or Harold or anyone else involved with the game's production say they played some of the older GB games during the development of this one?

I'm sure some of the level designers did. I played through the NES and arcade games during production.

by ScubaSteve

14 years, 1 month ago

I played through the NES and arcade games during production.

I'm sorry to hear that.

by skankerzero

14 years, 1 month ago

Scuba Steve;168845
I'm sorry to hear that.

hey hey, i found the arcade one to be plenty of fun though it was closer to just being a generic shooter than a Ghostbuster game. the NES ones on the other hand…

by slimelord1

14 years, 1 month ago

I'm sure some of the level designers did. I played through the NES and arcade games during production.

That's cool. Little homages like that add to the authentic GB experience for me, just seeing the nods to everything done before. I think having some of the older GB games as unlockable bonus content would've been cool but I'm sure legal issues make that next to impossible.