Video Game References Thread

by skankerzero

14 years, 1 month ago

Slime Lord;168865
That's cool. Little homages like that add to the authentic GB experience for me, just seeing the nods to everything done before. I think having some of the older GB games as unlockable bonus content would've been cool but I'm sure legal issues make that next to impossible.

Yeah, I was even told that it wouldn't be a good idea to put the credits for the first game in there since that was an Activision game, but I did it anyways.

by Nix

13 years, 11 months ago

I have one more for you:

The Meson Collider seems to have been inspired by the “skeleton rays” from the 1953 version of The War of the Worlds. As Dr. Clayton Forrester, the film's hero (really, really) says of the Martian machines, “Their beams neutralize mesons somehow–the atomic glue holding matter together.”

Not only is the name a strong link, but the visual interpretation of the weapon's effect is all but a dead giveaway. It's just that the game's version is yellow, not green, and it doesn't quite make the THOOM! THOOM! THOOM! noise (later used as the Photon Torpedoes on Star Trek).

I'm a big War of the Worlds geek, and so felt compelled to post this one.