
by Ghostbuster626

21 years, 8 months ago

Dont you guys realize that they can Reintroduce Vigo, possibly even in a new form? Also 88mph is starting the continuity over after GB from scratch so there is absoluetly NO excuse why Sam Haine, Boogey Man, and Vigo cannot face off against the GB. Oh, and the story takes place in 2003 not right after the first movie(1984) this leads me to belive the “villian from the gb's past” mentioned on the 88mph site is probably none other then Gozer.

by maxhavoc2000

21 years, 8 months ago

See I think making an issue with Vigo would be pretty cool. It doesn't have to follow the lines of GB2. Vigo could have a whole new side to him.

by jimaldp

21 years, 8 months ago

He can be the same VIGO, i want the Vigo who talked prophcies and such when he was in the painting, NOT! the Vigo that came out the paiting and screamed like a dog….that was rubbish. And i wanna see flash backs of his past, because his intrigued me the most more than gozer!
I think out of the two movies Vigo had the most potential!!

by Ghostbuster626

21 years, 8 months ago

Flashbacks of Vigos past would be awsome!

by Kingpin

21 years, 8 months ago

Look, I'm sorry if this comes as very negative, because I don't want it to be negative. But Vigo isn't going to make a reappearance, he's not important to the main plot of the comic, there's no real need for him, the reason for him won't be happening in the comics and having him re-introduced will just be too confusing. The new comic's going to be based around GB, not GB2. If there is any reference to him, and that's a slim chance, it'll probably through the occult net allone, or a very old book, nothing else.

Sorry for the rant.

by jimaldp

21 years, 8 months ago

Don't be so sure, i hope he appears.
And if enough people want him, sure enough he'll appear. Who else in here would like Vigo to appear?

by maxhavoc2000

21 years, 8 months ago

Why would they refrence to Vigo if they haven't encountered him yet? If it takes place after Gozer then the guys don't know about him. I would really like to see Vigo in a 3 part thing. Not to follow the story line as in GB2 but the same concept.

by jimaldp

21 years, 8 months ago

YEAH!!, we could see a 3 part story along the line that doesnt follow the plot of the movie but a whole new plot, with a revamped atitude for Vigo,(just not a revamped costume, its design was perfect!).
And we could see what really woulda happened, if he possesed a baby and never left the painting and ruined the whole idea of him not being able to leave the painting.
Imagine, when the whole story arc is finished, we think theyve destoryed Vigo, when really hes escaped by plcing his soul in a baby, so we leave it open to another story later on dealing with a baby, possesed….

You see using Vigo gives endless posiblities!
Anyone wanna add to my thoughts!

by Bboyrd

21 years, 8 months ago

A revamped Vigo story would be very cool. If a Vigo story is ever done it would be interesting to see new concepts that don't necessarily have to do with GB2 concerning him

by brorjace

21 years, 8 months ago

well if you want my honest opinion, I think that 88MPH should do 2 ‘specials’ if you will.

And those 2 ‘specials’ being the movies, and then have the series on top of that, with the art we've seen so far I'm sure they could capture the movies we charrish in comic book form like so many other comic companies have failed to do so in the past

*runs away before he gets beaten on ^_^*