
by jimaldp

21 years, 8 months ago

I totally agree!!

by DocRyedale

21 years, 8 months ago

Me too!

by jimaldp

21 years, 8 months ago

How's about this for a subbmission!, Vigo can be one of the supporting cast LOL, dont take notice at what i'm about to say.

Vigo is in a painting, the ghostbusters try to put him into a trap. It aint happening, Vigo is laughing evily saying how they can't destroy him, as his soul is trapped within the painting. So the ghostbusters, after getting Dana to clean the pic, take it home and hang in their offices.
Now we get Vigo plotting behind their backs, leading into GB2!, but at the same time he would help them, sort of like the ANTI-Hero of the new series. Eventually he would Betray them leading into the revamped story of that took place in GB2!. But until then he can be like the new slimer (since in this series slimer is evil) and he would be evil except hes trapped in their offices.
I know your gonan say how is this possible he has powers, he can use them. Well im sure Egon can think up something to surpress his powers, while hes hung on the wall. But he would be better than slimer because he would be unwilling to help the GB's unlike slimer, and he would stay evil, hows about that!

LOL i know im chatting jiberish, but its because ive just woken up and im having a hangover!

by jimaldp

21 years, 8 months ago

LOL actually i can imagine it now.

Peter: you gonna help us or not, viggie?
Vigo: i don't help mer mortals.
Peter: we are not mortals we are the ghostbusters, trademarked and copyrighted.
Peter: so you gonna help?
Peter: ok meet my harley pertol lighter, i don't smoke but just for today i think i'll light up!
Vigo: what is that peice of metal? NO!, hell fire, wield my a mortal!, what do you plan to do with such a thing?
Ray: stop it peter, stop playing with him.
Peter: well if you dont talk, you can be one with the hellfire.
Vigo: Hellfire, doesnt hurt one such as I!
Peter: if thats what you think…
Vigo: OK OK!, ill help you.

I know, worst piece of dialogue i've ever written! But i just decided to play with the idea some more, LOL! Im of back to bed now! LOL

by Kingpin

21 years, 8 months ago

Okay, I must admit, that it would be cool seeing Vigo in the new comic, and i suppose, there could be a new reason why he appears.

by jimaldp

21 years, 8 months ago

Thank You, LOL, what does it take these days to get my point across, LOL, and i made a major fool out of myself, writing that stinky dialogue!

I'm definately of back to bed now.

by Ghostbuster626

21 years, 8 months ago

Like Ive said several times, if the GB fans want Vigo…88mph will listen and make a story arc for vigo. If you want Sam Haine, Boogeyman, etc. same thing..all you need to know is let 88mph studios know and have everyone show there support.

by jimaldp

21 years, 8 months ago

I would want a Vigo story, but i don't think there is enough support.

by BorgeoisBuffoon

21 years, 7 months ago

I know it's unlikely, but I too hope they do a special on GB2, only make it a bit more ‘serious’ of sorts. Not as cheesy as the movie, but make it a bit more darker and suspenseful…that's what GB2 needs to be.

I agree with Kingpin it's probably not going to happen though. :f

by LadyJay

21 years, 7 months ago

There are no plans for Vigo.
Just the continuity of the first Movie.