Vigo Painting

by thedavetini

15 years, 7 months ago

But do you have to get a special printer? Take it to a shop?

How could I go about making one?


15 years, 7 months ago

That canvas was printing first. Then When we got the high res we made the smaller ones. We are having the big ones made as we speak.

And to print it most local art stores do this just tell them what you want and bango here you go.


15 years, 7 months ago

here is medium one

and the even smaller one

by Hotshot

15 years, 4 months ago

Yep, I did those.
I was kinda in the right place at the right time.
Those have gotten considerable attiention, and over on the RPF, I've been doing a rather large run. I was even able to get the 4 Muses image striaght fromt he source, and am printing those currently.
I may do a run here, but we'll wait and see what the first two orderers think!

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 4 months ago

My God you have magnificent facial hair.

by Hotshot

15 years, 4 months ago

That's not me!! That's the winnier of the mini vigo we had at our party during Marcon.
Big Vigo went home with the Coruscant Guard earlier in the thread.

by Kingpin

15 years, 4 months ago

Do not buy from Hotshot

He's a banned seller on GBFans and Proptopia, he sold poor-quality resin parts and had poor customer relations.

by Hotshot

15 years, 4 months ago

Kingpin has no clue what he's talking about on this one folks.

The original image was taken by an RPF member at the new ILM Presidio ofices, and was Photoshopped by another two RPF members. I've been printing them at cost, and the memebers tha contirbuted all have gotten some form of compensation.

The image posted on Flicker is the earliet version of the project, and has far to much red in it. The person thats selling the small frmaed prints on eBay is using that image. The altered image on here is also form that image.

If you're a memeber of the RPF, the image of Vigo AND the 4 Muses is available for download. For free.

This also is NOT a FS thread Kingpin. If I choose to continue printing these and offer them here, it will be with the board owners permission, not yours.

by Kingpin

15 years, 4 months ago

Kingpin has no clue what he's talking about on this one folks.

It's why I said “it is believed”, to denote that, unless proof arises to the contrary, ‘this is the assumed case’.

However, you may have been invited here but it doesn't mean the ban on your products has been lifted, so I honestly hope you're not planning on selling anything here.

by Hotshot

15 years, 4 months ago

I think you need to back down and stay on topic, and not engage in blatant trolling and flaming.

If you actually did any research into this, you'd know that the community effort that it took to get this done was extraordinary, and I was extremely lucky to be in on the project. The fact that it was done so fast and so cheaply (at cost) is what got the studio's attention, and got me the 4 Muses painting.

I'm offended that you would simply state a beligerant flasehood and try to take away from the huge amount of success this project was.

If you can find a printer to make these 1:1 5x8 feet tall, on canvas, hi-res, shipped worldwide, for under 200 bucks, go for it. Just be sure you get permission from the guys who did all the work like I did.

And next time you post a blantant accusation like that, have some kind of proof, and don't use a lazy modifier to cover your ass.