Vigo Painting

by Kingpin

15 years, 4 months ago

I'm offended that you would simply state a beligerant flasehood and try to take away from the huge amount of success this project was.

I have excised the section you took issue with, but I have left the remarks about the resin parts. I apologise about my assumption, but from a glance of the thread it appeared that the image had been directly lifted from the flickr photograph, especially the sections which appeared to have been reproduced digitally. However there was also the business involving the OMNI cover…

I have no interest whatsoever in reproducing the Vigo painting, but I am concerned when there's the chance people might overlook negative feedback in the pursuit of a limited item. Joseph Kerezman is an example of this sort of thing with his Corellian Bloodstripes.

MY final remark on this is that I am curious to know if you have the permission of the original artist to reproduce the Vigo painting?


15 years, 4 months ago

Wouldnt the same go for the proton packs. ?
and Everything else that delt with ghostbusters.

by Chad

15 years, 4 months ago

Do not buy from Hotshot

He's a banned seller on GBFans and Proptopia, he sold poor-quality resin parts and had poor customer relations.

Kingpin, please let Hotshot rebuild his reputation at He has sold me a 5 x 8 foot Vigo painting and I'm looking forward to adding a clear coat and some crackle with a brush before I stretch the canvas and staple onto the frame. I will, of course, document and display for all to see on GBN 2.0 (and you can too).

by Hotshot

15 years, 4 months ago

In truth, I have no problem with the statements about my older resin parts and service record . . .to a point. I've been able to take the lessons learned from that and do alot of other projects on alot of other forums without incident.

I actually may call on you, Kingpin, to spearhead a project that may solve ALOT of problems people had with those awful 1.0 and 2.0 kit runs.

As for having permission from the orginal artist, he did this as a work for hire, which makes it Sony's issue.

As long as I'm keeping it at cost, I have their blessing.

The orginal artist that did the main painting (most of the other paintings were group efforts, yes paintings ) always gets a kick out of the fact that guys like us are so worked up over a painting that's mostly a giant retouched photograph.

by ajquick1

15 years, 4 months ago

Lets not forget he also recast resin parts from Brock and PropFan.

Chad doesn't care and will support thiefs and recasters. Its apparent after his dealings with Sebastien Clavet.

by ajquick1

15 years, 4 months ago

MY final remark on this is that I am curious to know if you have the permission of the original artist to reproduce the Vigo painting?

I actually know the Vigo production designer as he is a member on GBFans.

I certainly could ask him if Rhett got permission from him and the rest of the artists.

by Chad

15 years, 4 months ago

AJ Quick;154503
Chad doesn't care and will support thiefs and recasters. Its apparent after his dealings with Sebastien Clavet.

Today must be wild accusation day, I guess I didn't get the memo. (*egon)

Wrong AJ. Sorry to disappoint, but I am holding Hotshot up to the sand standards as everyone else. I am aware of this user's past discussions on other sites under different identities. He has assured me that he has reformed himself and we are giving him a chance to re-establish his reputation, nothing more.

If he slips up, we will hold him accountable, just like everyone else.

by Chad

15 years, 3 months ago

Just received my Vigo canvas. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. I will be giving it a few brush coats of clear before I stretch it to frame.

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 3 months ago

Now that is a picture, nice. I would like one of those.


15 years, 3 months ago

very nice

Wish i could get one.

we gave away 3 of these a couple of months ago and wow they looked great!!!

Cant wait to see the other stuff he has in the works.

And agreed stop with that bs just lay back