Vigo Painting

by 9sam11

15 years, 3 months ago

Where can i get one of these?

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 3 months ago

Hotshot has a listing in the Marketplace for these…

by Hotshot

15 years, 3 months ago

I should note, even though hatered was spewed on Proton Charging, as well as buckets of false info, I'm still producing these, and can be contacted or emailed privately.

It's important to note that has nothing to do with these prints being made. Neither does Proton Charging.

Whoever wants to shut these runs down can come straight to me and leave these websites alone. So far, I haven't heard anything but silence.

Alos, be sure to check my showoff thread for the accurate history on thee great props tht were made for the film.

by Nix

15 years, 3 months ago

Well, Hotshot, your thread here has just brought back an old idea I had a while ago.

As soon as I get some free time, I plan to do a parody of the Vigo painting, which features that lovable Moldavian tyrant advertising “Vigo” brand pre-packaged Italian food. To show you I'm not just pulling your leg on that last part, here's the link: