ViolentG's proton pack...

by ViolentG

18 years, 5 months ago

… will possibly be up for auction on eBay within the next few days (;_. I need money, and i'm tearing my hair out deciding whether or not to part with my beauty, I just don't know what to do :-(. Would anybody be interested in buying it? (It's Gagnon-built!), and sorry, people outside of the US need not apply, as it's SO heavy and would cost a FORTUNE to post!)

by Courage

18 years, 5 months ago

we tell you what we tell everyone else, pix and price.

by ViolentG

18 years, 5 months ago

Mm, how polite. You're obviously the ‘mouth’ of the board…? The chosen representative for 4,419 registered users? I do apologise, how silly of me to not realise.

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago


but hey, don't forget that out of the 4,419 users almost 1000 are spambots lol

by ViolentG

18 years, 5 months ago

D'OH! Thanks, fome Perhaps Courage *is* one of those spam-bots, which would explain the total lack of thought that went into his off-the-cuff comment.

For anyone who *is* interested (who isn't from the USA, so Courage, you can stick your comments elsewhere because yet again they'll be totally irrelevant) I shall obtain you pictures, however not a price, because that's what eBay auctions are for… :p. And with it being authentically “Gagnon” built, you should have a good (if not exact) idea of what I paid for it, if you're looking to put a ‘Buy it now’-esque price tag on it.

(*rant) And to clarify on the original purpose of this post - I wanted to know if anybody would be interested in buying it… hence i'm looking for what are commonly called “expressions of interest”. A "yes, i'd quite like to buy a proton pack, PM me with some details“ comment would be such an example of what i'm looking for, so as to gauge whether or not there'd be much point me spending £5 and half an hour putting it on eBay in the first place.

I can't believe i'm actually having to explain this. Maybe I should add ”not for sale to dumbasses" also?

by inebriantia

18 years, 5 months ago

Whoa man don't you think your going a little overboard with those comments. He justs means that people here all the time want to sell stuff, and don't put pictures or prices up which tells us nothing about the product.

I myself was reading your post the other day, and was wondering what it looks like, what kind of price your offering, didn't know if you were going to sell it on ebay or not, didn't know what you were planning to do with it, just that your “thinking” of selling a proton pack.

WOW! Your post told us nothing at all. You have the nerve to call someone stupid, when you yourself was too stupid to tell us anything about the product at all.

You said he's from the US and so to stick his comments elsewhere because your not selling to the US but you even said “people outside of the US need not apply”. Hmmmmm to me that sounds like anyone not from the US, hence only if you are from the US apply. So maybe before you start calling people dumbasses you should start thinking about your original post.

Your post told us nothing about what you were trying to do. If you really wanted to get some replies you should have posted some pics and price ideas you had in mind like we do tell everyone else because they are too stupid to post it the first time.You will still have a starting bid on ebay, or maybe what your hoping to get out of it, and someone here could help you out and get a proton pack out of it as well. How do we know it's Gagnon built, and to some of who don't know what Gagnon built is you could have explained it too them in the post.

If I were going to try and sell something here or get people interested in buying it from Ebay here are the steps I would follow:

1. Explain to everyone what your trying to do.
2. Explain Gagnon built for those who might not know.
3. What exactly your wanting to do with it.
4. How much you need to get out of it.
5. Post some pictures to authenticate what you say is true about the Gagnon built.
6. Then tell people to reply or to PM you to get in touch with you.

People don't usually have the money a proton pack costs just laying around. They are expensive and if a person is going to spend that much money or even start planning to they need some info first, people aren't rich you should know, otherwise you wouldn't be selling the pack.

His comments were not off the cuff, they were just simply the same thing we always tell people when they make posts like you did. He said nothing rude, or mean to you, so I'd check that attitude of yours because your not going to make many friends in life like that.