17 years, 10 months ago
17 years, 10 months ago
At some point in this guy's life he had to make a series of “concious decisions”, leading up to this incident. I've been clinically depressed, and I've done some kinda-violent things before, and trust me… “I” was the one to blame. “I” gave into dark temptations, just like this guy (though not nearly as serious). People need to own up to personal responsibility instead of using this “illness” crap as an excuse. Maybe if this guy saw a shrink, and got doped up on lots of drugs it would have helped a little, but NOTHING can excuse the macabre murders he ultimately commited. Period.
17 years, 10 months ago
17 years, 10 months ago
What I am saying is that with drugs, and with treatment, it would have done more than help a little. It would have stopped him from doing it, full stop. The guy didn't get the treatment he should have.
While we're at it let's say a little pray for those 193 people that died in Iraq yesterday….
17 years, 10 months ago
Personally I think calling this guy a “victim” is flat-out retarded, with all do respect. OBVIOUSLY he had mental problems, normal people don't commit mass murder! It was a cold-blooded, calculated killing-spree this guy carried out, and I think he was evil to the max. Giving him a free pass because of some “illness” is silly to me. He was no more “ill” than Ed Gein (Leatherface), or Charles Manson, or Saddam Hussein, etc., etc., etc. At some point in this guy's life he had to make a series of “concious decisions”, leading up to this incident. I've been clinically depressed, and I've done some kinda-violent things before, and trust me… “I” was the one to blame. “I” gave into dark temptations, just like this guy (though not nearly as serious). People need to own up to personal responsibility instead of using this “illness” crap as an excuse. Maybe if this guy saw a shrink, and got doped up on lots of drugs it would have helped a little, but NOTHING can excuse the macabre murders he ultimately commited. Period.
17 years, 10 months ago
Let me make this perfectly clear. I'm not excusing what he did…
…but don't forget to put the blame too on a retarded government who lets anybody to own a gun… because that's wrong too…
17 years, 10 months ago
not here to defend him as I understand very well that what he did was very wrong, but don't forget to put the blame too on a retarded government who lets anybody to own a gun… because that's wrong too… they could actually use some pills too…
being clinically depress is not the same has having a serious mental problem when people cannot control themselves or cannot control what's happening or what's going thru inside their heads… just so you know…
and how can you forget to name president George W. Bush… he's the sickest one of them all, actually more sick than all of those combined… he never gets blood on his hands, just oil, so nothing can excuse the macabre murders he indirectly commits while getting away with them.
The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution reads : “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”
and the fifth commandment reads : “Thou shalt not kill”
but, who are we to judge?
“For he knows how we are made. He remembers that we are dust.”
17 years, 10 months ago
17 years, 10 months ago
17 years, 10 months ago
Well… it can be speculated treatment may have helped prevent it… but we don't know for sure that it would've stopped it from happening.